I am not sure how to handle this situation and hopefully somebody out there can offer some good advice.
My maid of honor and I have been friends since we were 5 years old... we have ALWAYS had a rocky, on and off friendship. Truth be told, at this point we are friends because we have always been friends. We are much more like sisters - our familys spend many holidays together, we have a ton of history together, but we have absolutely nothing other than where we came from in common. If we met today, we would not be friends.
When I got engaged I never even asked her to be my MOH, she jumped right in and began planning everything. As far as being a MOH she has been fabulous - she threw me the most beautiful bridal shower imagineable and spent a ton of time and money on that. I have thanked her to the ends of the earth for that. Also, she has been incredible moral support through any difficulties we've had over the past year (mostly financial).
That is where her amazingness ends. She has had a really snarky way of making me feel about an inch tall all of the time. She doesn't ask me what I"m doing, she tells me. For example "You ARE growing your bangs out though, right, you're not going to keep them like that for the wedding?" I cut my bangs like this FOR the wedding actually.... That's just an example, the whole process has been like this. She is not the kind of person that you can gently point things like this out to - she is incredibly defensive and immature when it comes to any sort of criticism.
Now to my point. My bachelorette party was a disaster. We went to Las Vegas for the party and she and I instantly began fighting. We have never verbally fought - usually in the past when things get unbearble we just stop talking or hanging out for a year or so. I know that is sad but that is how she deals with being frustrated - she disappears. And I don't fight her because it is just so exhausting to keep up with her constant drama. Inevitably after a year or so she will come back in the picture and need to be friends again and we just pick up where we left off.
So in Vegas the very first night we had it out a little. We wanted to be in two very different directions. She wanted to stay out all night partying, drinking and picking up on random guys. Being that we were there one night early and the rest of the girls wouldn't be there til the next day, I wanted to go to bed early (it was 2:30 am mind you) so I could get enough sleep and rest to make up for the 3 hours I had the night before and be fun for the festivities the next day of my actual bachelorette party. There were 12 women total to think of the next day and I'm just not the type of person that can rage all night multiple nights in a row.
Our differences in lifestyle just really came out that weekend. This was two weeks ago. She basically stormed off during my party and hasn't spoken to me since. One of the other bridesmaids said that she told her she was going to back out of the wedding. But of course when I did attempt to ask her if everything is ok or if there's anything she needs to talk about she said she is "fine". I haven't heard from her since.
I just don't know how to handle this. It makes me sick. We have been planning this wedding for a year. I don't know if she is really going to back out or show up or what. At this point I can't imagine coming up with something nice to say about her at the rehearsal dinner. It seems ridiculous to me to bail on my wedding after one little thing made her mad. ALl of my bridesmaids, including her say that I have been the easiest bride ever - I let them pick out their dresses, even offered to buy them for them and have had no crazy rules about anything. I just want everyone to have fun but this is not fun at all. I don't know whether to continue planning the wedding and just not call her anymore and see if she shows up or not or to confront her. If I confront her it puts the bridesmaid that told me in a bad position (and she already doesn't really like that bridesmaid anyway). I don't want to do that to her either!
Also, our wedding is in 33 days!