I've been lurking around this board a bit and decided to look to you for some advice as you seem like some knowledgeable ladies! I know the etiquette is once you invite someone in your WP you can't "kick them out". But I'm curious what to do in this situation.
My HTB purposed to me in September. I immediately asked my BFF at the time, my FSIL, and two other good friends to be in my wedding party. Since then things have been really rough for my BFF and I. She has become very distant and seems to have no interest in being my friend whatsoever. We tried for a while to patch things up but to be honest she has changed so much and we don't have the connection we used to, it really breaks my heart (I'm having a hard time holding it together just typing this!). I miss our friendship but it's extremely exhausting to be the only one trying to make it work. I'm assuming she will be 'too busy' to be part of the wedding and will come up with some excuse. I haven't asked her and haven't thought of a way to ask her. I am wondering if you have any ideas on how to say that I will understand if she can't be in the wedding party but I'd still love to have her at my wedding as a guest? I just dont' see any way to solve this without any drama/tears.
I now know why they say don't ask until 6 months out but I just wish I would've known that in September!!
Thank you for listening.