Wedding Party


So, I'm having a pretty traditional wedding. My BMs are all wearing the same dress, althought I made sure that everyone was comfortable with the cut/color/length, and we went through five different options until everyone agreed. I really don't mind; I want everyone to be comfortable first, and I told them they're comfort comes before my "vision". That said, one of my BMs might be taking that a bit too far.

As I said, our wedding is pretty traditional, as far as traditions go in our families. The girls are all walking down the aisle one-by-one, and I'm coming down to "Here Comes the Bride". I brought up to one of my BMs that I was thinking of "Rainbow Connection" for the BM processional. She has been the one that I feel like I have had to accomodate the most for. She says she won't wear heels, which is fine, and won't wear strapless, also fine. She tried to insist that the BMs wear long dresses, and I told her no because it's a summer wedding and I think that shorter dresses look nice, and she literally threw a fit. I didn't back down, and she eventually agreed to the short dresses. I don't know if it makes a difference, but I'm paying for the dresses so that my BMs (all students) don't have to make such a big purchase just for my wedding.

Anyway, this BM told me that she wanted to walk down the aisle with one of the groomsmen, because she thinks it's awkward to walk down the aisle alone with nothing else but a bouquet. She is a performer, so it's not like she hates attention (not that she's an attention-hog either), she just says she thinks it's weird looking and awkward. I need to say that there are few things that I have held on to from being a little girl and planning my PPD when I was ten, but having my bridesmaids go down the aisle one by one is one of the things I have. I don't want to change that because one out of my four BMs thinks its awkward.

My question is, what do I say to that? I don't want her to continuously get her way all the time, but I don't want to come off as a total 'zilla. She's the youngest of my FI's family, and always gets her way. How can I tell a spoilt child (she's in her early twenties, in case you want to know) no?

Re: Ummm...

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    You've accommodated her reasonable requests, but that doesn't mean you have to let her dictate all the choices in your wedding.  

    "I appreciate the input, but FI and I have talked, and we've decided to do things this way.  Have you tried the bean dip?"
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    I think your reader is reasonable. I'd do what pp suggested. What's funny is that most bridesmaids I've talked to and on here have said they'd rather walk alone. go figure.
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    Ditto PPs. Tell her that this is what you and your FI decided and change the subject. I don't think you're being a zilla for wanting to have the BMs walk alone. 
    April Siggy Challenge-Wedding Escape: Reading HG/dreaming about Peeta.... Image and video hosting by TinyPic Wedding Countdown Ticker Bio-Updated 4/22**
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    It sounds like you've been pretty much the complete opposite of a 'zilla so far, so do not be afraid to just say no to her unreasonable request.
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    Agree with PP's.

    She gets to decide how she walks when it's HER wedding....not yours ;) 

    Until then, she can carry that bouquet with a smile on her face.


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