Wedding Party

Re: Blank

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    So is nobody else allowed to get married before you, or just her?

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    this will be her second marriage and third engagement in the 10 years I've been dating her brother

    Wow, judge much?
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    are you upset shes trying to possibly get pregnant?

    You cant ask her to put her life on hold because you have been planning your wedding for so sister made a comment that i better not get prgnant before she gets married....and shes not even in a relationship. Its kinda messed up if you think about it being you that is being said to.

    remember...we are so excited and wrapped up in our weddings, but no one will ever be as excited as you.

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    How much more attention do you need, really?
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    My suggestion is to be happy for her when she gets married and if she gets pregnant.  You get one day and she gets one day.  One of my MOHs is preggers and will be about 7 months along by the time of my wedding and all I can think about is how adorable she will be waddling down the aisle and up to lectern for her reading! 

    Don't worry about your FMIL.  You and FI have been together for 10 years.  It's probably old hat that you two will be together.  But if the sister has been married and engaged three times, maybe the mother is really happy for her to have found a great guy.  It doesn't lesson the mother's happiness for you.  She will be really excited for the day of your wedding.

    Also, isn't it a little early for you to have a first fitting?  My wedding is in March and I just scheduled my first one for January. . .
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