Texas-San Antonio

Major help, please!

FI and I have put off booking a honeymoon because he was out of a job for 5 months and didn't know what our financial situation would be, or if he got a job if he would have time off.  He finally got a job and can only take a couple of days off.  We would like to stay at a B&B in the hillcountry, but there are so many to sort through that it's making it very difficult.  Does anybody have any recommendations???

Also, I know it's been asked a million times, but where did you stay on your wedding night?  I thought about the St. Anthony, but not sure what it's like on the inside.  We figure most newer hotels will be nicer than historic ones, but I guess we're open to whatever. 

Any advice you can give will be greatly appreciated - especially since we're only 10 days away!  Thanks, ladies!

Re: Major help, please!

  • edited December 2011
    I had an event that I had to work today at the Hyatt Hill Country Resort. It is pretty nice, but not a bed and breakfast.

    If you want B&B my suggestion would be Fredericksburg. They have some really nice and private ones that you can rent on the weekends.

    You are like us.. we are not taking our honeymoon for a year, but the venue I am using has a B&B behind it that we are renting.
  • edited December 2011
    I highly recommend the Serengeti Resort in Bergheim (near Boerne).  They have an Africa Safari theme complete with animals roaming the property.  It is pretty awesome.  [ur]lhttp://www.serengetiresort.com/[/url]

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    William born 7/12/2000
    Andrew born 10/30/2011 (9lb 4oz at 37 weeks)
  • edited December 2011
    Der Stahl Inn in Fredericksburg is great. The owners are awesome.
  • edited December 2011

    Thank you all!  I will take a look and see what I find out about these places.

  • edited December 2011
    If you like the hill country and are looking to enjoy each other and some of the Texas wine country you could go to Wimberley, TX.  It's between Austin and SA and my fiancee and I love it there!  You can search for lodging on http://www.texashillcountryreservations.com/ and they even have accomodations for couples on their honeymoon.  We have been very happy every time we have booked through this site.  Good luck!
  • edited December 2011
    The Queen Anne in Fred. is a great option.
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