HI All!
A friend from college is getting married and I'm really happy and excited for her!
Here's the thing she'swrote me an email asking me to be part of her wedding as a bridesmaid...we were really close in college then went our separate ways, she lives in another state and we reconnected through FB. I've been a bridesmaid 9 times now and I love the role and being there for my friends on there big day, but over the course of being a bridesmaid I know how expensive it all can be and since she lives in another state , I then have to pay for travel expenses, and I currently work 7 days a week working too part time jobs that pay just alittle bit more then minium wage, I can barely pay for my mortage, let alone any other bills I need to pay how do I politely say no and just be a guest at the wedding without hurting her feels.