Wedding Party

Re: fff

  • I'm sorry, but I promise you are not telling the whole truth here.  Odds are - given the information you posted - you have not been treating them well.  Odds are they got fed up and told you to eff off.  And odds are they were right to do so.  

    If you want to come back and tell us what you did to piss them off, we will be more than glad to give you real advice.  But please don't come on here and act like an innocent little lamb when there is most certainly more to this story.
  • tldhtldh member
    edited December 2010
    What's going on?  You rarely call someone out like that Marissa.

    (I thought one of the E girls came over when I saw the title of this post)

    Edit:  Nevermind.  She posted this same thing and DD'd on Wedding Woes but someone quoted there.
    AKA GoodLuckBear14
  • edited December 2010
    I know - I wish I would have quoted now!  She said that TWO of her bridesmaids just upped and quit on her three months before her wedding.  They had said something about "she had changed since she moved away to college" but she was definitely holding something back.  It was all "woe is me" and "why would they quit" when I've never heard of two bridesmaids quitting without the bride being a megabiitch.  And if you click on her profile and check out the responses she got to her other (same) question, it looks like others were thinking the same thing.  

    EDIT - yay it's quoted in the other post!
  • edited December 2010
    My two childhood bestfriends whom were also my go-to bridesmaids have changed their minds about wanting to be a part of my life, much less in my wedding. Apparently when I went off to lschool in another state four years ago I changed completely and they no longer want to be friends.

    No, I didnt see it coming. Yes, they have taken me on vacations for my birthdays the past two years, bought me an expensive law school graduation gift, and were in tears (of joy) when I called to tell them my FI proposed with the ring they helped pick out in months ago.

    One of them decided to drop this bomb on me as I was driving out of town for the weekend for my Engagement Party/Couples Shower this weekend. They were supposed to be driving down the next day. The other hasnt been heard from. They went out and partied it up that night, they did not attend the only shower I am having.

    I am getting married in 3 months, I am so numb from this I am not sure how to react. They had planned an elaborate Bachelorette Cruise in February that I assume they will now be going on with their spouses/boyfriends.

    Someone, anyone, please offer some advice. I am at a loss. I absolutely do not need any snarky comments.
    Posted by SoontobeMrsThomas2011

    (copied from her post on WW)

    Maybe they are fed up because of the e-party/couples shower and expensive sounding bach party on top of all the money it sounds like they already spent on her in the past and just couldn't deal anymore. It definitely sounds like there is a LOT more to the story than she told.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • What the hell is a go-to bridesmaid?
    If I had to guess this bride meant my persoanl bitches. That might have been a clue.
  • Yeah I don't understand this at all.

    But it sounds like a validation cry.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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  • I definitely agree that there has to be more to this story than she's sharing with us.

    [QUOTE]Yes, they have taken me on vacations for my birthdays the past two years, bought me an expensive law school graduation gift, and were in tears (of joy) when I called to tell them my FI proposed with the ring they helped pick out in months ago. [/QUOTE]
    This part reads strangely to me - they take her on vacations and buy her expensive gifts?  That just seems odd for a friendship.  Or maybe she just got used to taking advantage of them and it went too far during the wedding planning?
    Planning Our Wedding - Updated 04/11/11
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    "If you can't think of something nice to say, don't say something nice" - Stephen Colbert
  • If two BMs quit because "The bride has changed," that's usually code for "the bride isn't treating us very well."
    Courtesy of megk8oz
    "I think bablingbrooke is the 13 yr old marring her cousin at the town hall. Lets all give her a big hand. And hope her inbred children can live normal lives." -tabs.

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