Ok so here it goes. I have been married once before I had my bff as my MOH because I didnt want to pick between my sisters. One of my sisters had a fit about that but again I wasnt ok picking between the two. Fast forward....I am not getting married again and my FI and I decided not to have siblings in the wedding my one sister and I always fight she found out I wasnt going to have her in the wedding and started threatening to not let me see my nephews and talking about how when no one does anything for me dont come to her crying. Mind you she has no job and has 2 babies so I wil have to pay for all of her stuff which we are already on a tight budget. My FI is close with one of his brothers but not the other and he decided the same thing not to have his in the wedding well everytime I turn around we are getting guilt trips and I feel like this is our day and it should be our choice. Are we wrong here or what? IDK what to do I feel so torn
Even if I decided to change my mind and have my sisters after the way she treated me I have no desire to have her in the wedding at this point. I was discussing this with my FMIL and I could tell she was a little upset to PLEASE HELP. Any advice is welcome