so, i thought it would be easy for us jews, since our holidays usually have 2 nights of celebration. 2 months ago, I asked my mom and FMIL to think about what night they wanted to host Rosh Hashana dinner. Both told me it would too early to think about. Then within a day of each other, they both decided to host Saturday night. Hosting for my mom is at her house, the night before will be at our family friend's house. Hosting for FI's family is at a family friend's house. The first night, then have no plans. I know it would hurt my mother not to go when she is hosting, but if we go to my mom's the second night, then we aren't celebrating at all the first night. FI doesn't want to go to my family both nights (I don't blame him). If we switch, and do my family friend on Friday, and his on Saturday, then my family gets very minimal time, because his other family friend does a big lunch on Saturday, and FI doesn't want to miss it. But going to that, and Saturday dinner at his house, means leaving my parents right after dinner on Friday, or first thing Saturday... having spent a few hours at my parents, and an entire day plus at his. Also factored in, is we are spending Thanksgiving with his family this year, even though it falls on my dad's birthday, because we did Thanksgiving with my family last year. Sorry this is long, and probaby confusing. Any advice or similar problems?Thanks.