Jewish Weddings

What do I need to purchase?

What do I need to get for our conservative ceremony...I know Kiddush cups but I am drawing a blank for the rest :( TIA!
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Re: What do I need to purchase?

  • 2dBride2dBride member
    2500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    • Chuppah (either rented or purchased) if the synagogue does not provide it
    • Table and tablecloth for under the chuppah if the synagogue does not provide it
    • Kosher wine (probably white, since that's less likely to stain than red), and perhaps a decanter for it
    • Glass or lightbulb for breaking, and something to put it in (bag or handkerchief) to keep the glass from getting all over the floor
    • Kippot and perhaps women's head coverings for guests (if you are providing them)
    • Challah (if you are doing ha-motzi)
    • Veil with blusher (if you are doing bedeken)
    • Bentshers if you will be using them at the reception

    Depending on your rabbi, you may also need a plain wedding band (no stones or engraving) for you.  Also depending on your rabbi, you may need some kind of shoulder covering if you are wearing a strapless dress.  You may also want to have programs.  They are not mandatory, but if you have a lot of nonJewish guests, they can be used to explain the various Jewish traditions.
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