Just wanted to stop by and wish all the Knotties a Shanah Tovah! I know it doesn't start till Wed, but I won't be around. We are travelling to Memphis to celebrate with my ILs. It will be our first attempt at navigating the airport with TWO little ones! Oy! What is everyone else doing?
The Knot won't share my Bump Siggy, so here's the low-down:
4/27/07 - Got engaged!
8/31/08 - Got married (to my best friend)!
12/30/08 - Got Pregnant!
9/3/09 - Welcome to the world, Elias Solomon!
8/16/10 - Got Pregnant, again!
5/14/11 - Welcome to the world, Talia Hadassah!
1/14/12 - Ready or not, here comes #3 (EDD 9/27/12)