Jewish Weddings


When is the Horah usually done?  It seems that at my cousins' bar and bat mitzvahs it's usually at the beginning.  Do people usually do it at the begining of wedding receptions or after dinner?? Thanks!

Re: Horah

  • colourzcolourz member
    edited December 2011
    The bride and groom enter the hall and everyone comes onto the dance floor. The hora begins.
  • LBRM_NJLBRM_NJ member
    Knottie Warrior 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    You can do it anytime you want, but, I've most often seen it done at the beginning.  We were introduced into the reception, did our first dance, and then the band invited everyone to join us on the dance floor and went right into a horah set.
    The Knot lost my info, but, I've been married since 6/19/05!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker My Blog - "Helping Make Sense"
  • edited December 2011
    we did it right after yichud...we entered the reception hall, the band started to play and the horah went on from there.  lots of fun.  if you haven't already decided to do it, i highly recomend you get some friends or family members to get guests to do traditional "schtick" it's lots of fun. 
  • Musicheals71Musicheals71 member
    Knottie Warrior 5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    We did it in the middle of the reception.  DH and I skipped getting lifted up on chairs, however, because I did not feel comfortable doing that, but everyone joined hands and danced.
  • edited December 2011
    i'm curious about this, too.

    Would you knotties be willing to share your timelines for when you did:

    first dance (before or after the hora? and did you do the hora right after you were introduced?)
    mezinke (if you did it) FI is last to be married in his family so his parents wanted to do this and I've never seen it done before so any tips on it would be appreciated :)


  • tenofcups4metenofcups4me member
    2500 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    We did what I usually see:
    first dance

    Rlwais, we did the crowning somewhere in the middle of the reception (this was my first wedding). The ex- and I stood up and did a general thank you to our guests and then ended with special thanks to our parents...which segued right into the crowning.
  • edited December 2011
    Here was our timeline:

    band starts playing, people enter reception from cocktail hour
    H and I are introduced, we walk right onto the dancefloor for the hora.
    Sit down for dinner
    First dance (while guests are still eating)
    Father-Daughter dance into Mother-Son, into all parents and siblings (one song)

  • edited December 2011
    We did the Hora when we "opened the dance floor", ie after dinner.

    I thought our timeline worked great for us because it had everyone on the dance floor already for the hora and then when it was done we went right into the party.
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