Friday I went by myself and tried on a few dresses. I had a list of dresses that would work for our plan to add roses at the bottom. I included a couple of short dresses and one crazy dress just for kicks.
All of the chiffon dresses were lovely. I liked them all. They were out of stock on the short dresses, but the had the crazy one.
I fell in love with the crazy one. So the consultant took a photo of me to show my mom. I left absolutely smitten. I've bought a wedding dress before, but I've never had the "OMG this is the one!" moment until Friday.
So I go meet my mom for dinner. I tell her all about it and show her the photo. Her response? "It's nice, but you're going to have to lose a lot of weight for it to look good."
Thanks mom. I feel super.
Like, I know I need to lose weight. That's why I'm dieting and exercising. That's why I'm working on it.
Now, I don't even want the dress. I feel like if I get it every time I put it on all I'm going to hear is what she said. Even if I get to my goal weight I feel like that is all I will hear. Especially if I don't get to my goal weight.
I'm back to not wanting to shop for a dress at all. I even want to cancel the wedding and do a JOP ceremony with just FI and I.
Just sad is all I guess.
Edit to include dress: