Sorry this is a rant but I'll keep it short. My mom left me a message this morning that she will only be able to attend my bridal shower hosted in my FI hometown for 2 hours becuase she has a concert to go to with her boyfriend. This makes me so livid. She has never been to FIL's house or met their friends and family. She's going to look pretty bad when she is the first one to leave.
So I called her back and left her a message saying how much that hurts me (cause she isn't involved or interested in anothing wedding related and already ditched on on several wedding related events and my dad is already not here to celebrate this special time in my life). How thankful is she going to look when she doesn't even stay the entire party, doesn't stay after to say thank or visit, or help clean up??!!!
I decided that if she doesn't come up with a new plan I will just tell her that she doesn't have to worry about coming since she has other things to do. I have offically decided it would be more fun without her than having her be there out of obligation.
I hate that she makes my wedding feel like such a NEGATIVE thing!!!
Thanks for listening!