For the love of God can football season please end?! I love college footbal, but I am getting sick of watching so many footbal games. My fiance watches whatever football game is on. I don't mind if we watch our hometown teams play, but EVERY SINGLE FOOTBALL GAME?! Not to mention that baseball, hockey, and basketball seasons all run into one another. Right now he's screaming while watching the Lions and if they lose he'll probably be all moody for the rest of the day.
He is way into sports and that's all he will watch. Once in a blue moon, he will watch a movie with me or will watch a few of "our shows" (they're all on break right now", so if I want to spend time with him I have to watch the games or I can sit next to him on the couch while I surf the net on my laptop.
I wish the NFL would have had a lockout like the NBA. Is that mean? LOL