June 2012 Weddings

Need Help with Questions for the Guestbook!

I really like this idea from Martha Stewart's Wedding website that has a different guestbook with different questions for every table:


Instead of doing an entire book per table, we'll likely be doing either a pretty sheet of cardstock or sommmmething with the question on it, or individual cards at each place setting with a question, which we'll then assemble into our guestbook.

The problem is I can't think of enough questions!  I do like the idea of having one question at each table, so I need at least 20 questions.  Can anyone suggest anything?
Image and video hosting by TinyPic June 2012 Siggy: Favorite Engagement Picture! Wedding Countdown Ticker

Re: Need Help with Questions for the Guestbook!

  • I'm doing pretty much the same thing!

    Questions I wrote down so far are:
    Where do you see ________ & ________ in 25 years?
    The secret to a successful marriage is ....
    Our favorite memory of _________ is ...
    Never forget to .....
    We wish you ......

    I'm going to make index cards of each (many of each) and have them on a table for guests to write at.  I'll include a jar or something for guests to drop them in and I'll compile them in a scrapbook after the wedding.
  • Great idea. If you can strategically place the questions one for a table of people that has know each of you for a long time would be for a childhood memory...you may hear some neat stories that you did not know.
    Another favorite trips...build future vacation ideas
    just starting out with a house - household tips
    The best thing about marriage is...
    When you're going through tough times, remember....
    The biggest surprise about marriage is.....
    What do you think we should remember most about our wedding day? What will you remember most?
    What are your tips for falling in love over and over again?

    Good luck!

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