I originally thought I would do a groom’s cake for RD as a surprise for FI. Travel is a big part of our relationship and I thought a suitcase cake with flag “stickers” of where we have been would be super cute and meaningful. I wanted the cake to be marble because his mom used to always make him marble cakes for his birthday. She is no longer with us and it would be a nice way to remember her.
Here is an example:
However, a few days ago I came across a local bakery that makes shaped sugar cookies. I tried them out and they are delicious. I talked to the owner and she said that they could do up to 10 shapes of anything I wanted. She showed me examples of a suitcase, flags, airplanes, ect.
Now I’m torn on what to do. I like doing cake especially making it marble to remember his mom but I think the cookies are a neat and different idea. Of course we will be having cake at the reception. There is no real difference in price. What would you do or like to eat? TIA
Cappadocia, Turkey
June 2012 March Siggy Challenge: Honeymoon location
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