June 2012 Weddings

Fiance's emergency surgery.

Not everyone is in the group so i thought i would post here. Last night my fiance needed to go to the ER as soon as i got home from work. He hasn't been to the hospital in 12 years so i knew something major was up. 

Morphine wasn't doing much & after 3 hours of seeing if anything would work they sent me home & kept him in. 

I went back this am & he told me he had to have his appendix out (i cried). Poor man at 30 years old had never even had an iv before (they gave him one the night before to hydrate him as he had been sick) & now he was going for something major (but routine) & his first hospital stay. 

I got 3 hours sleep, i am exhausted but happy to report he is doing well. We had him up walking a few times. It did not burst so he should have a speedy recovery i hope. 

My poor puppy had been locked up almost a day & a half (with some breaks when we were home but that wasn't often) so i got my brother to babysit today so he did not have to be locked up the whole day thank god. We are worried about him jumping on Geno when he gets home because he will be so excited & he is only 11 weeks old. 
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