.....until my aunt called me today and said she and my mom were talking last night and there are some people we have to add. My MOH's in-laws have to be added as well as my cousin's (her son's) 4 in-laws because his brilliant wife mentioned to her mom that she would be getting an invitation. We may also have to add my brother's friend's parents because his mom has been so excited about my wedding, my dad's friend and his wife, and my mom's friend (L) she used to work with for a very long time. My parents weren't invited to her daughter's wedding but my mom feels like she should invite "L" because "L"s sister happens to be FI's aunt. Small world.
This is now 12 more people we have to add! FI's mom/stepdad and my parents are splitting the reception and each paying for 100 people. It's a good thing my parents already told FI's parents that they are paying for anyone extra since they are on my side.