African American Weddings

Monday Accountability

Workout 1 more pound gone. 2 a days continue

Wedding : got our cute little beach ornaments
Had a real talk with FI

NWR: go gators!!!!!
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Re: Monday Accountability

  • Workout/Exercise:  Lost 2 lbs.  Still going strong with my workout routine. 

    WR:  Nothing.

    NWR:  Go Nationals and Orioles!!  Hang in there Skins!  RGIII no more diving!!!

    Love is the ultimate superpower.   
    It can make you weak and strong simultaneously.  

  • Workout: I started Couch25K yesterday and I did pretty good. I lost 1 lb over the weekend. I'm going to the gym in about an hour. Gotta get it in!

    WR: FI found a Tux!!!! Not one but TWO! Yep 2! He ordered this one:

    and then we were in the store this weekend and he found this Black Velvet sport jacket to change into for the reception. He's just gonna grab some black tuxedo pants!

    NWR: FIVE and O baby!!!! Falcons RISE UP! @Island - we didn't mean to take your star player RG3 out the game like that.....but he gotta be ready to come with it!
    image180 Made the cut!
    image 129 Ready to drop it like its HOT!
    image 7 Found something else to do
    image 44 Are just plain RUDE!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker image

    Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Weight Loss Tools

    Follow Me on Pinterest November 2012 - October Siggy Challenge image
  • workout: Lost 2 lbs
    WR: set an appt to visit potential venue, started guest list
    NR: Finally found a gown for FI's award ceremony this weekend (yeah that should've been done), started working on a publiciation, MY LITTLE GUY IS STARTING TO CRAWL
  • Workout: Gotta start soon (however after being sick I lost a little over 25lbs) i just have to keep                 away from Pepsi and junk food UUUGGGHHH..

    WR: Thinking about changing my colors since i have a friend using the exact same colors       (although she didnt knw my colors)..

    NWR: Nothing really just enjoying life..

    Lilypie - H1jI

    Daisypath - MFL5

  • No workout...:(

    WR..bout supplies to finish making my tabel numbers, ribbon to wrap the bouts and supplies to make pomander balls !

    NWR. Went to my son game Sunday..they going to the finals..GO RIDERS  Wooh !!
     Working all week and start my 2nd job this week !
  • WO: Started doing classes at lunch time again, one being Insanity!!! Why Lord, why! At least its only on Thursdays

    WR: Got my band sized, made our God's Knot (yay!!!)

    NWR: I have to pick up my job serach game soon; revising my resume, etc. FI is on Fall break and here for a whole week...maybe. 
    Daisypath Wedding tickers LilySlim Fitness goals tickers
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Monday Accountability</a>:
    [QUOTE]@Island - we didn't mean to take your star player RG3 out the game like that.....but he gotta be ready to come with it!
    Posted by MrsSmith2Be02[/QUOTE]

    Now see them der are fighting words.  LOL!  RG3 needs to learn when to stop, drop, and roll.  Lawdy!  It's all good.  He will be back (I hope). 

    Love is the ultimate superpower.   
    It can make you weak and strong simultaneously.  

  • In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:01140dcf-aacc-4acf-adf1-f457a2458374Post:cb999c7f-bea4-43f3-b916-574104180fe8">Re: Monday Accountability</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Monday Accountability : Now see them der are fighting words.  LOL!  RG3 needs to learn when to stop, drop, and roll.  Lawdy!  It's all good.  He will be back (I hope). 
    Posted by island07b2b[/QUOTE]

    Gotta play YOUR position.....and nobody elses. It will get you hurt by these vets in the game. Yea he'll be back.....but we needed that W!
    image180 Made the cut!
    image 129 Ready to drop it like its HOT!
    image 7 Found something else to do
    image 44 Are just plain RUDE!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker image

    Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Weight Loss Tools

    Follow Me on Pinterest November 2012 - October Siggy Challenge image
  • Wo 45 min in today. It drug by because I've been sick, but I did it. Finally hit the 20 pound mark. Yay. WR on the grind for the next 2 weeks to find a venue. I want this done by the end of the month.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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