African American Weddings's Tuesday. Tell 'Em

remember it can also be something good lol.

but if not...say it witcha chess (registered trademark Mrs. B. Williams)

Re:'s Tuesday. Tell 'Em

  • Hey Sultry!!!

    Dear FI's family,

    The deadline was September 4th. The wedding is December 2nd, I sent out invites in June, STD last December. No you cannot wait  until November to give me answer because its a no. A flat out no.


    577906 10151197172303105 844768324 n Follow Me on Pinterest Anniversary
  • Dear Nosy Assed Co-worker,

    I am not your friend. Honestly speaking, I really don't care for you in the least because you are a bottom feeder that talks out of both sides of your mouth. With that being said, please keep all inquires and comments about me, my fiance', and our wedding out ya mouth!!! Don't ask me ish about me personal life. As a matter of fact, if it isn't work related, don't even address me. 

    Trying not to cuss you out, 

    The Future Mrs. Douglas Daisypath Wedding tickers LilySlim Weight loss tickers
  • J, they are really enough.  hi babe.  "punched etiquette in the face" huh?  lol.  psssh, know like i know, you'll ask Cha how to diplomatically (or not) word:  no cardy, no seaty.

    neet, perfect the art of the blank stare please:   *_*    it's not friendly but it is effective.
  • In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:025adc23-00c7-4120-9919-593a0b8bcd5ePost:a7fd0c3c-4748-4d59-ac4d-59bcd940fa7a">'s Tuesday. Tell 'Em</a>:
    [QUOTE]remember it can also be something good lol. but if not...say it witcha chess (<strong>registered trademark Mrs. B. Williams</strong>)
    Posted by sultryzulu[/QUOTE]


    Dear Wasband,

    You are a P*ssy! Take the thong out of your a** and man up! You tell me that I walk around like my shyt don't stink. Well honey newsflash it's the GOD in me you don't like. He has seen me through and I have so much joy I can't keep it to myself. Take that and run and tell yo mama about that. The next time you tell me to get off my a** and do anything my HUSBAND will be paying you a visit. Punk a**!

    Signed MRS. WILLIAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:025adc23-00c7-4120-9919-593a0b8bcd5ePost:d830c0b9-01bc-47a3-85f3-cf9147fbcdf0">Re:'s Tuesday. Tell 'Em</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to's Tuesday. Tell 'Em : LOL Dear Wasband, You are a P*ssy! Take the thong out of your a** and man up! You tell me that I walk around like my shyt don't stink. Well honey newsflash it's the GOD in me you don't like. He has seen me through and I have so much joy I can't keep it to myself. Take that and run and tell yo mama about that. The next time you tell me to get off my a** and do anything my HUSBAND will be paying you a visit. Punk a**! Signed MRS. WILLIAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Posted by 20pearls16[/QUOTE]

    You betta SAY that girl! Tell em! LOL!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker Simply Fabulous!
  • In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:025adc23-00c7-4120-9919-593a0b8bcd5ePost:c5eaaafd-53e3-43ab-8c5b-782cf671399b">Re:'s Tuesday. Tell 'Em</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re:'s Tuesday. Tell 'Em : <strong>You betta SAY that girl! Tell em! LOL!
    </strong>Posted by MissusD1116[/QUOTE]

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • He gone learn today huh B?   LMAO!!!
  • In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:025adc23-00c7-4120-9919-593a0b8bcd5ePost:3bdf7616-7eec-409f-ac18-23c42d61ccdf">Re:'s Tuesday. Tell 'Em</a>:
    [QUOTE]He gone learn today huh B?   LMAO!!!
    Posted by sultryzulu[/QUOTE]

    effin right. *drops mic and exits stage left*
  • Danngg mrs Williams! Sultry I'm holding strong !
    577906 10151197172303105 844768324 n Follow Me on Pinterest Anniversary
  • In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:025adc23-00c7-4120-9919-593a0b8bcd5ePost:d830c0b9-01bc-47a3-85f3-cf9147fbcdf0">Re:'s Tuesday. Tell 'Em</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to's Tuesday. Tell 'Em : LOL Dear Wasband, You are a P*ssy! Take the thong out of your a** and man up! You tell me that I walk around like my shyt don't stink. Well honey newsflash it's the GOD in me you don't like. He has seen me through and I have so much joy I can't keep it to myself. Take that and run and tell yo mama about that. The next time you tell me to get off my a** and do anything my HUSBAND will be paying you a visit. Punk a**! Signed MRS. WILLIAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Posted by 20pearls16[/QUOTE]

    OUCH!!! Ha ha ha ha!!!!
    The Future Mrs. Douglas Daisypath Wedding tickers LilySlim Weight loss tickers
  • Dear job, Although there are 24 hours in a day I can not and will not spend every waking minute doing you. So tell your bosses I have enough on my plate and I'm not gonna let you worry me. LTBA
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Dear Bestie's Boyfriend
    I realize you guys are fighting right now and that aint got nothing to do with me nor the $$ I spent for your plate.  You better let me know if you are coming or not else WE gonna have an issue.

    Dear Husband,
    I love you, but the fact that you have waited until days before the reception to invite people is absolutely unacceptable.  There is no more room and not $1 more is being spent on this thing, we are married already.  Cut the foolishness.

    Dear period,
    Stop acting up, I dont have time for this foolishness with you either.  You were supposed to arrive yesterday.  Im not pregnant.  Dont get me annoyed and show up on saturday when I have a reception and a white dress to wear on sunday
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:025adc23-00c7-4120-9919-593a0b8bcd5ePost:3bdf7616-7eec-409f-ac18-23c42d61ccdf">Re:'s Tuesday. Tell 'Em</a>:
    [QUOTE]He gone learn today huh B?   LMAO!!!
    Posted by sultryzulu[/QUOTE]

    *mini hijack*
    Miss you, Bongi!  Crazy girl!

    Carry on ladies....   <img src="" border="0" alt="Smile" title="Smile" />
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • CreoleBride30CreoleBride30 member
    1000 Comments 25 Love Its First Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited September 2012
    Dear FMIL: Eff naw you can't take my mothers place and help me get dressed the day of my wedding. And when I tell you my mother is helping act stank because you can't be the center of attention...Yous must be cray! Sit yo arse in a corner somewhere!
    click here to view our Amazing Love wedding website Anniversary
  • In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:025adc23-00c7-4120-9919-593a0b8bcd5ePost:70491123-27c9-4bf3-bcb3-2bac5a59f1bb">'s Tuesday. Tell 'Em</a>:
    [QUOTE]Dear FMIL: Eff naw you can't take my mothers place and help me get dressed the day of my wedding. And when I tell you my mother is helping act stank because you can't be the center of attention...Yous must be cray! Sit yo arse in a corner somewhere!
    Posted by CreoleBride30[/QUOTE]

    OUT OF CONTROL !!!!!!
    Why would she think that she'd be doing that instead of your mom at all??
    Tell her go adjust FI's Boutineer
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • msbdumasmsbdumas member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited September 2012
    In Response to's Tuesday. Tell 'Em:Dear FMIL: Eff naw you can't take my mothers place and help me get dressed the day of my wedding. And when I tell you my mother is helping act stank because you can't be the center of attention...Yous must be cray! Sit yo arse in a corner somewhere! Posted by CreoleBride30 This made me fall out my chair..O no she didnt ! Cthu Mrs. Williams in my church lady say that ish ! Lol
    imageimage May2013 October Siggy:Honeymoon:Putna Cana
  • In Response to <a href="">'s Tuesday. Tell 'Em</a>:
    [QUOTE]Dear FMIL: Eff naw you can't take my mothers place and help me get dressed the day of my wedding. And when I tell you my mother is helping act stank because you can't be the center of attention...Yous must be cray! Sit yo arse in a corner somewhere!
    Posted by CreoleBride30[/QUOTE]

    <div>If she's anything like my MIL (which she sounds like it if she likes to be the center of attention), do your best to keep her out of your dressing quarters.  I don't know how mine ended up in there but she pissed me off minutes before the ceremony by acting like a damsel in distress to get attention. Maybe ask FI to keep her occupied and out of your hair!</div>
  • In Response to <a href="">'s Tuesday. Tell 'Em</a>:
    [QUOTE]Dear FMIL: Eff naw you can't take my mothers place and help me get dressed the day of my wedding. And when I tell you my mother is helping act stank because you can't be the center of attention...Yous must be cray! Sit yo arse in a corner somewhere!
    Posted by CreoleBride30[/QUOTE]

    No she didnt. Chile please!
    577906 10151197172303105 844768324 n Follow Me on Pinterest Anniversary
  • Dear Mom and Dad,

    You guys are REALLY messin wit me here. I made the mistake of opening my guestlist to you and now you are irritating me with every conversation we HAVE to have about inviting a bunch of people I DO NOT KNOW or care about b'cuz you wanna look good. I wont even mention the fact that the RSVP deadline was August 31st and I've been asking for your list weekly since about uhm JUNE!!!! My wedding is not gonna be a show and tell for you to show off to your buddies.
    No, all the deacons can't come, no, all the trustees can't come,and neither can all the people in the congregation that are nice to you. Where is your invitation to their kids wedding? You didn't get one? Ok.
    You're LUCKY I'm letting your mother, your hateful sister and other family members whom I don't even remember come. DON'T PUSH IT. I don't care if you guys pay the $100 per plate, how about I wont let you. My wedding will be an affair personal for Jaime and I whether you like it or not.
    You've already doubled my guest count, get a hold of yourselves! I think we're done here.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Dear Drunken-High Fool,

    You decided to stand in front of my car in the middle of rush hour and not move.  Lucky for you Jesus was in the car with me.  Otherwise, you would have been either:

    1.  Laid out.
    2.  Ran over.
    3.  Beat down.
    4.  All of the above.

    Love is the ultimate superpower.   
    It can make you weak and strong simultaneously.  

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