African American Weddings

It would be..... smh

40% chance of rain on Sunday in the town my reception would be. 

I was hoping to still have the out door ceremony. 

BTW the day that was supposed to be my wedding..... 80degrees and sunny.... Cry
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Re: It would be..... smh

  • ((hugs)) Mere I hope that all works out well for you....just keep praying and be prayerful that you and your hubby will have a great time. 
  • 40....girl have faith that it will be a beautiful sunny day. That forecast can change!
    **I am getting married to Mr. Wonderful on 11/3/2012**
  •  Aw man Mer I'm doing the sunshine dance. You cant stress about it. If Jesus wants to throw that sun out there then *bam* the Jiimmy Dean sun will be there!
    577906 10151197172303105 844768324 n Follow Me on Pinterest Anniversary
  • Trust and believe God will throw some sunshine your way !
    imageimage May2013 October Siggy:Honeymoon:Putna Cana
  • whatever happens is gonna happen.  .... I trusted that this was all going to happen on aug 30th initially...

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  • (((hugs))) Mere...don't get down about it. You will have a wonderful time. Rain won't stop your show! It's going to still be beautiful girl! You know that! :-)

    click here to view our Amazing Love wedding website Anniversary
  • It was supposed to storm on my wedding day and we didn't get one drop of rain. You will be fine. God knows you have been through enough.
  • In Response to Re:It would be..... smh:[QUOTE]It was supposed to storm on my wedding day and we didn't get one drop of rain. You will be fine. God knows you have been through enough. Posted by 20pearls16[/QUOTE]

    THIS for me too! Trust God.
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