African American Weddings

Is it me?!

Or do weddings bring out the worse in your so called friends?

I am damn near 40 be happy for me or just stfu
Why would you ask why am I looking for bm dresses now?!
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Re: Is it me?!

  • In Response to <a href="">Is it me?!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Or do weddings bring out the worse in your so called friends? I am damn near 40<u><strong> be happy for me or just stfu</strong></u> Ugh Why would you ask why am I looking for bm dresses now?!
    Posted by thedivav[/QUOTE]

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  • Lol sorry that just pissed me off I am like sheesh
    "Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History" ~Laurel Thatcher Ulrich~
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  • Yes....its like u see the REAL person... who u thought was a friend.. u learn a WHOLE LOT.. they forget its ur wedding
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  • SMH! 

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  • Girl........ don't you know! How about it took every ounce of me to not strangle my MOH the other day (the Maid not the Matron). We were talking weave and she was like but you don't even wear long should just be natural. I'm like really???? So rock my regular bob that looks so momish, NO MAAM! Don't try to set me up....don't do it. SO I STILL went with my 16" and it will be cut and layered how I want. If i'm gonna do weave u might as well do it? Right??? LOL.

    These friends.....I tell ya!
    image180 Made the cut!
    image 129 Ready to drop it like its HOT!
    image 7 Found something else to do
    image 44 Are just plain RUDE!
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  • I really wonder what it is. I dont get it
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  • I dont get it either 
    i have been a bit envious of friends who got married before i did but i was happy for them and wished them the best... never tried to throw shade or any thing else at them just put my big girl panties on and put on a happy face.... 

    i know i am snarky and can be a bit over bearing but sheesh if you aint got nothing nice to say stay the hell off my fb page and stfu lol 

    i heard it before that your friends can be salty when you get married...

    MrsSmith we wont even go there with the folks about my hair that is not even up for debate or discussion and if advice is offered unsolicited they will get the full gemini wrath 

    "Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History" ~Laurel Thatcher Ulrich~
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  • Oh you're a gemini??? Lord bless eveyrbody in your path. LOL My mom is a Gemini.....str8 crazy!
    image180 Made the cut!
    image 129 Ready to drop it like its HOT!
    image 7 Found something else to do
    image 44 Are just plain RUDE!
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  • In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:37ee7861-1c3c-4dcc-a51d-43e9afb63789Post:525a3811-942e-428f-9a68-0e001360a02b">Re: Is it me?!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Oh you're a gemini??? Lord bless eveyrbody in your path. LOL My mom is a Gemini.....str8 crazy!
    Posted by MrsSmith2Be02[/QUOTE]

    Lol yup June 9th lol
    "Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History" ~Laurel Thatcher Ulrich~
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  • To add to this........ How about that family member who already things they are beneath me because my mother was a go getter and hers wasn't who was always trying to do things with me before we both got engaged. I'm trying to upstage her wedding is what I was told. She won't even return my calls. Yes my budget is higher than yours but I'm still on a budget. A tight one. Are you seriously jealous about a wedding? Really?
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  • In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:37ee7861-1c3c-4dcc-a51d-43e9afb63789Post:58da2b81-a584-43fc-bebf-03ec9297834d">Re:Is it me?!</a>:
    [QUOTE]To add to this........ How about that family member who already things they are beneath me because my mother was a go getter and hers wasn't who was always trying to do things with me before we both got engaged. I'm trying to upstage her wedding is what I was told. She won't even return my calls. Yes my budget is higher than yours but I'm still on a budget. A tight one. Are you seriously jealous about a wedding? Really?
    Posted by leatba[/QUOTE]

    Oh wow smh
    "Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History" ~Laurel Thatcher Ulrich~
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