African American Weddings

I've been MIA

Hey Knotties!

I've been MIA since Tuesday. Sorry :( A lot has gone on.

1. I lost my job tuesday afternoon. Them F*kers had me work on this crazy project since August....I finished on Monday and ten Tuesday at 4pm they go through this ridiculous BS about performance....which makes no sense because I haven't had any reviews, negative or positive, or PIP. However, it was a relief.....I really didn't want to be there. Aside from that because I was on TK at work, I just hadn't been on the computer. I had an interview yesterday for a position I applied for yesterday (see how God works?) We shall see how it goes. If not, FI said no what I want to do! :)

2. My 5 yr old has the chicken pox. See? IT's good I don't have to go to work! LOL

3. I received the menu cards and escort cards in the mail. YAY. They look great. HOWEVER MOM has added xxx more people. So I have to get some more menu cards printed.

4. Anyone know where I can find the rhinstone band to go around the tiers of the cake??? I waited too late to order from ebay or save on crafts I think.

5. My bridesmaids dinner that was scheduled for tonight was cancelled. My cousin who was hosting it asked me tuesday what I wanted to do. It was for about 20 ppl at Maggianos. When I found out Wed that DS has chicken pox I said cancel. So she is gifting me the money she was using to pay for it and I can use for whatever I need. :)

6. I am soooo happy yall! I have 8 days left until Wedding day and I thought I would be stressed....but I'm not. I'm about to go to my trail for my hair at 1pm.

I think that is all my updates for now. Those who sent me PM.....check your replies!
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Re: I've been MIA

  • I was about to send out a search party for you!!!

    1) WTH!!! Really? and it's surprises but glad you have a positive attitude about it all. Praying for you! And yes when God works, he works!

    2) Poor baby but yes now you can stay home and take care of him. 

    3) Yay for the check!

    4) Did you check Michaels? Who is your baker? They don't have it?

    5) Great! Extra funds!

    6) You are so close and I am so excited for you!

    ps: didn't you have a bridal shower? Where is the recap? 
  • MrsSmith2Be02MrsSmith2Be02 member
    edited November 2012
    In Response to <a href="">Re: I've been MIA</a>:
    [QUOTE]I was about to send out a search party for you!!! 1) WTH!!! Really? and it's surprises but glad you have a positive attitude about it all. Praying for you! And yes when God works, he works! 2) Poor baby but yes now you can stay home and take care of him.  3) <strong>Yay for the check! 4) Did you check Michaels? Who is your baker? They don't have it?</strong>   5) Great! Extra funds! 6) You are so close and I am so excited for you! ps: didn't you have a bridal shower? Where is the recap?
    Posted by rowenac82[/QUOTE]

    No I haven't checked Michaels but over the past 2 days I have been a couponing FOOL and they have some good ones this week along with Joanns. I'm going there this afternoon.  My cake is being provided by the venue along with catering. They asked if I wanted to get it or for them, I said I would. I guess that is the analness in me. I would be livid if it was the wrong one, not enough sparkle, too big crystals, etc.

    Yes I had 2 bridal showers last weekend. I will do recap later today MOM! LOL I'm low on photos because I didn't take any and my mom took hers with her camera.
    image180 Made the cut!
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  • WHOA!!!!!! sorry to hear about the job! hopefully the one you just applied for comes through! Maybe they got wind that you were *looking*(?). sorry kiddo got the pox :(

    and did you just say 8 DAYS!!!!??!?!?!?!??? How are you so calm?
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  • Blessing always comes in disguises!!!  Congrats on your checks ,  Take care of the baby Aveno baths (smile)

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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: I've been MIA</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: I've been MIA : No I haven't checked Michaels but over the past 2 days I have been a couponing FOOL and they have some good ones this week along with Joanns. I'm going there this afternoon.  My cake is being provided by the venue along with catering. They asked if I wanted to get it or for them, I said I would. I guess that is the analness in me. <strong>I would be livid if it was the wrong one, not enough sparkle, too big crystals, etc.</strong> Yes I had 2 bridal showers last weekend. I will do recap later today MOM! LOL I'm low on photos because I didn't take any and my mom took hers with her camera.
    Posted by MrsSmith2Be02[/QUOTE]

    <div>I get that but I am sure they would show it to you before putting it on the cake! Hope you find it somewhere else though cause I paid the baker for mine and I think I paid too much. </div><div>
    </div><div>And me MOM if you want to but I need the recap! LOL</div>
  • Sorry to hear about the job and chicken poxs! Congrats on the checks
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  • Sorry to hear about the job and your little one...

    Sending prayers up for the new job...if it is Gods will, then it will be yours...

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  • God's looking out for you. You'll get something better soon! Congrats on all of the're getting so close!!
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  • Absolutely Morgan..... Everything works for HIS MERCY AND HIS GRACE... This will work in his favor and you will come out better than before...

    I am sorry to hear about your job... definitely I am sure .not what you wanted at this particular time

    Hope your lil munchkin is alright... chicken bueno

    We all have been on TK at work.... sooo can't

    Sorry about the cancelled dinner.. but hey that money can definitely go to good use..

    I hope you find the rhinestone wraps for the cake....I would think your baker would have that or know how to get it ASAP...

    Your day is coming VERY VERY SOON..... Stay prayed up... all will work out
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  • It's already CLAIMED (the new job)! don't worry..... Ummm Calamine Lotion anyone! LOL! he will get thru it....
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  • Aww so sorry about the job loss but like you said God us always working on his next plan for you ! Sorry about the baby having thr box tell him dont scratch lol. Praying for the job you interviewed ! Try Hobby Lobby for the wrap I was just in my local store and seen some on there ! Your getting close sissy !
  • Awww Im glad youre still calm about everything and poor baby with the chicken pox- reminds me when I had them as a child and my mom put on that pink lotion on me :)
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  • I was wondering where you been.. I'm like Morg ain't posted in a minute...

    Anyways, Hey hun, i'm sorry you lost your job and I know that God will open up another door of opportunities for you, so sit tight.. In the mean time everything happens for a reason and you never know what God is trying to show you..  Sending my prayers up..

    Awww, poor little man.. Awww. I hope he gets better. And i am glad that you are in good spirits.. Watch how God show up and show out.. :-)

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  • Thanks for all the encouragement ladies. Greatly appreciated!
    image180 Made the cut!
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  • oh wow...sorry to hear ALL OF THIS Morgan. God has a plan for you. Keep praying and continue being faithful. God will reveal everything you NEED to know. Continued prayers for you.

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  • Morgan,

    So sorry to hear about you losing your job. I am sure that God has something better for you in store! I know you are excited about your wedding being 6 days away! Girl you are almost there. I hope that lil man gets to feeling better. 
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