African American Weddings

Why we love em Wednesday

Hey Ladies,

THe boards have been kinda quiet today. So in the spirit of why they make us happy lets say why WE LOVE EM!

I love him because I told him I cant see us paying $500 for 125 invitations and he said dont worry about it babe....if that's what you want I will work some extra time and make it happen for you! (They ended up being $140 so I just put that extra change on something else!

I love him because he put up with my anal retentive emails about wedding even though I know he really dont care about the difference between Coral and Salmon cardstock.

I love him because he said, dont worry about finding a job in Atlanta. God will work it out for us.

I love him because he is going to build me a shoe closet as my wedding present!

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Re: Why we love em Wednesday

  • edited November 2012
    I love him because even though he did not help me with wedding stuff last night, him and the boy spent the night "bonding" over madden 2k13. And I'll take that over wedding crap anyday!

    **btw, GOOD JOB ranyatta!**
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  • I love him because today I was too down with all this crap going on at school. I am so ready to get out of here and get back on the East Coast with my family and he said don't worry I got two job offers in DC!!!!! So fingers crossed if all goes right we're going home!!! He's known about this for awhile but just decided to tell me. I love how he can always come up with something to make me feel good! He's stuck by my side through these hard times in grad school. And btw he even made me some red curry, I love that he can throw down in the kitchen!!! 
  • I love him because he continues to keep me happy and keeps a smile on my face no matter what.. I know i can be a bit moody at times with all the stress at work, school and wedding planning, but he always manage to keep me smiling.

    I love him because he is my rock, and knows how to keep me balanced.

    I love me some him because I was complaining about the dress deposit and how i needed some extra and he said " babe i got you.. You deserve to get the dress that you want.. Loving me some him..
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  • I am really loving mines today ! The fiasco with the photog..he saw how upset I was and was able to calm me down and say he will handle it and too not worry. I love him because he continues to make me happy by being the best provider he can be and showing me that he is the leader of our household. How he is so much involve with my son as much as he is with his own sons. Whew..I love me some him !!
  • I Love Me Some FI because after he worked all day teaching middle school, then off to 3 hours of graduate school, without me asking, he drove about 1 hour to see me because I said I was stressed. Awwww.... He gave me a hug, an a massage. Awwwww.... I'm Thanking God for my FI. Anybody else feel like giving God some praise?

    Enjoy your evening sisters!

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