African American Weddings

Wedding Lighting

Last night I  got a price quote for the LED lighting during our reception . I was quoted $650 for one standard color  throughout the night and $850 for the various color options which means it would change throughout the night (while eating dinner, dancing, cutting the cake etc.)

I was wondering how many brides have opted for a lighting package for their reception and what prices were you quoted. 

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Re: Wedding Lighting

  • I just sat down with my wedding planner and told her everything I would like and lighting and draping is one I'm hoping she can get me a good price..but from my research and looking in my area sounds like u got a couple really good deals compared to here....
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Wedding Lighting</a>:
    [QUOTE]I just sat down with my wedding planner and told her everything I would like and lighting and draping is one I'm hoping she can get me a good price..but from my research and looking in my area sounds like u got a couple really good deals compared to here....
    Posted by essienakya33[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>Draping is SOOO important for me during the ceremony. I love my location but I don't like the top of the pillars so I want to add flare. I posted a pic below of what it looks like bare and what I hope to achieve after i add draping (minus the flowers) . I'm going to write a post about finding affordable draping but if you spot any deals PLEASE let me know.  </div>
    <a href="" title="Click to view a larger photo" class="PhotoLink"> <img src="" alt="" /></a>

    <a href="" title="Click to view a larger photo" class="PhotoLink"> <img src="" alt="" /></a>
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I'm only have wall washes and they will be the same color throughout the night. I will have a total of 12 for 400 dollars.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I will have wall washes too, but they are included with my venue package.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Wedding Lighting</a>:
    [QUOTE]Last night I  got a price quote for the LED lighting during our reception . I was quoted $650 for one standard color  throughout the night and $850 for the various color options which means it would change throughout the night (while eating dinner, dancing, cutting the cake etc.) I was wondering how many brides have opted for a lighting package for their reception and what prices were you quoted. 
    Posted by tttorie[/QUOTE]

    I'm having lighting. I used a company called and basically they ship the lights to you and you plug them up and there are instructions with how to program with color. They rent for $19/light. Where did you get your quote from and for how many lights? Don't jump too fast, because our DJ quoted us 12 LED lights for $100. ALSO they are charging an extra $200 for the lights to change colors? That's crazy because all it is is a push of a button during programming. I'd find another company or see if your DJ offers lighting. I'm about to cancel my reservation with DIYuplighting because that is one less thing I have to coordinate with the venue and event designer to set up, so if the DJ can do it, great.
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