Hello Ladies! I am officially back as a Mrs. and loving it. Let me start off by saying from the moment I left the house to head out to my wedding it was the best experience I ever had. I couldn't wait to come back to spill the beans. This is going to be quite long but very interesting so let me begin
Sunday:We flew out to St. Lucia it 6 am. We had to leave the house at 3:30am. I waited the last minute to pack everything so I didn't go to bed the night before until 11:30pm. I ended up having to repack twice because my luggage was overweight and I refused to pay any extra fees. DH and I some how managed to leave the house on time and from that moment on our trip went smoothly. Once we got to the airport the shuttle was right there for us. Let me tell you that traveling with a wedding dress in an airport makes everyone treat you like royalty. People were willing to help us. Every time I turn around someone was congratulating us. I thought I was in a twilight zone or something. So while waiting for our flight we ended up meeting a couple who just came straight from their wedding to the airport. They told us how they should have done a DW because it was such a headache for them planning a wedding. They were really nice and we ended up finding out that we were staying at the same resort. We ended up flying Delta and when it was time to get on the plane, the stewardess immediately took my dress and laid it in first class so it wouldn't get wrinkled

After 1 layover and 7 1/2 hrs later we arrive to St. Lucia. It was cheaper for us to fly out on Sunday so we decided to get a cheap hotel for the one day and go to the resort afterwards so we had to take a taxi to our hotel. The first night we stayed at Coco Palm which was this cute boutique hotel that was quite and surprising nice for the amount of $ we paid. DH has the gift of gab so we ended up meeting some locals who invited us to their Octoberfest, but with all the travelling we did we ended up falling asleep.
Monday:Today was my bday so I was so happy to wake up in another country. We decided that morning to explore before we headed to our resort. We were in Rodney Bay which is a tourist area that had a lot to do. We decided to walk to the beach which was about 5 mins away. On the way to the beach we ended up meeting a taxi driver that ended up being a blessing in disguise. Since we needed a taxi later that day we told him to come back to get us. Because we were giving him some business he gave us a free ride to the beach. After visiting the beach we walked back and had Burger King. It was the most convenient thing at the time even though we didn't want it. So about 12pm we start to head out to the resort. We stayed at Sandals La Toc. Let me tell you once you reached the resort it felt like you were in paradise. It was so beautiful. We got our the taxi and they had drinks in hand ready for us. We booked a concierge room so they had a special room just for those people to check in. Because we got there early they took all our luggage and escorted us to lunch while they got everything together because our room wasn't ready yet. After lunch we get up to our room. They upgraded us to a butler suite

. There were flowers on the bed that spelled Happy Bday with 2 swans kissing. It was so cute. So after everything is in we head to the pool. DH realizes that he left his sunglasses at the other hotel so he calls the Taxi guy, and the taxi guy goes out his way to go to the 1st hotel to bring us DH sunglasses. Now that the crisis had been diverted

we head to the pool. DH some how with in a 2 hrs span had made friends with everyone at the pool and made plans for us to hang out with them that evening. Well, that never happened because we ended up getting into an argument and I stayed behind. DH got on the shuttle to go to the party and some how told everyone on the shuttle that he felt bad and convinced all them that if they see me the next day to tell me that he was sorry. So he came back, but I was asleep, but he apologized in the morning. So the entire next day, random people kept saying to me how much he was sorry. It was the funniest thing he could have done.
Tues-Wed:We decided to venture out to other resorts. So we headed over to Sandals Grande. This hotel by far is the most beautiful out of the 3 resorts on the island. We ended up going to this honeymooners event where they had a saxophonist and flowers for the girls of the newly weds. They also took pictures of the couples in a heart shape in the sand with flowers. It was really cute. We pretty much kept these days low key and in the sun. On Tues we met up with a wedding coordinator to finalize all the details. Because my wedding was large it was rare for the resort to accommodate the amount of people I had. The wedding locations that they had to have the ceremony was too small. It just so happened that that morning I had decided to walk instead of taking a shuttle and saw a restaurant on the resort that would be perfect to have our wedding. The resort had never had a wedding there before and it required them to shut the restaurant down for the day and have to security people to cover each end of the exit. The coordinator had to get permission so we weren't sure if we could do it. Later that day she saw us in the hallway and gav us the ok, so we were really excited.
Thursday: Was the day all of our guest were coming in. Now we had beautiful weather from Sun-Wed, and now all of a sudden it starts to rain. Most of my guest had actually been on the same flight so they all came in together. Once they got there we took they to get something to eat and explore the resort. We had a welcome dinner planned later that evening so we got everyone situated and met back up later that evening. So around 6:30pm we start to arrive in the conference room. Everyone but my sister and her husband were there. Come to find out her husband ended up grabbing the wrong luggage. Luckily the other person left all her information in the luggage and they were able to locate her. The resort drove my sister and husband to the ladies house to get it. I was so happy that he was able to get it. So the dinner commenced and by the time we left everyone was twisted. There was a pub right next to the conference room, were we decided to head to after that were we ended up hanging out some more. I ended up ditching everyone because I had a long day ahead of me.
Wedding day: I wake up to a monsoon. It was so dreary, but for some reason it didn't bother me. With all the 'luck" that I had with all the planning process, for some reason I knew it was going to rain on my wedding day. So all the decided to meet up for breakfast. We were trying to have mimosas, but the server seemed like they were purposely taking forever to serve them so after we ate we went to my room, were we did shots. I couldn't believe they actually were trying to get me drunk. After the shots we tried to take the party to another restaurant, but DH was in the main resort area playing miniature golf. So all the girls thought it would be funny to completely wrap me up in towels to transport me to another part of the resort without DH seeing me. It was so funny I almost peed myself looking at myself in the mirror. By the time all these shenanigans were done I actually had to start getting myself together. In addition, because of all the rain and our ceremony was supposed to be outside I had to hurry up to talk to the coordinator about a new location. Luckily, we could still have the reception in the same place, but the ceremony location had to be changed. So 1pm I went into hair and makeup, and I was cool as a fan. Once I was done I headed back to the room where my mom helped me get dressed. I never felt so relaxed in my life. My Dad on the other hand was nervous. Lol. Once I was ready the shuttle picked my up and transported me to the main part of the resort where the ceremony was held. They put me in the Wedding Suite to wait to walk down the aisle. While waiting there I told my Dad I was going to cry. I kept fighting it and was doing good until the door opened for me to walk down the aisle. My sister told me before to fight them back because I don't want ugly wedding photos, so that is what I kept thinking about. I managed to not shed one tear. I was so proud. DH looked so handsome and once I got to him I wasn't nervous anymore. The ceremony was wonder. After the ceremony, we tried to make the most of taking pictures considering the rain. Funny thing is, my most favorite pic is us in the rain.
Reception: The ceremony looked even better than how I imagined it. It was beautiful. I was so happy to see everything I worked so hard for come to life. The food was magnificent. I was happy to have a small wedding because I was actually able to enjoy every moment of it. We partied like it was no tomorrow. We even had the people that were working the wedding dancing with us. My father who don't know how to dance messed up his knee by some how grinding on my Mom. It was hilarious. Once the reception was over with we decided to head over to the pub. We were all chilling and I had a glass of white wine., Well while talking to someone she spills the entire glass of wine in my lap. Then as I am flipping out, she tells my cousin its just wine. Luckily it was white wine, because had it been red I think I might have boxed her. After an hr or so, DH and I left the party and enjoyed the rest of our evening

Saturday. 1/2 of our guests were leaving on Sunday and it was still raining that morning. We were all like whatever, it it requires us to go swimming in the rain than so be it. We decided to go to the other resort and as soon as we get there the rain finally stops. We ended up taking over the resort showing everyone line dances and winning drink contests. Well....when it time for us to head back, we realize that one of my GF's BF is drunk out of his mind. The BF is 6'6" 300 pds and DH is 6'1" 210 and DH had to manage to hold this guy up so he wont fall. We get back to the resort and the guy says he is sick so DH manages to get him to the bathroom. Well he had things coming out of both ends so much that it started to seep from under the stall door. The ended up having to shut the bathroom down because it was such a mess. So while the guys take care of him, My sister, cousin, and I decide to go the the jacuzzi. So while we are there, my cousin tells me about a situation the night before where one of my friends and her were hanging out. Another friends BF. the one I didn't want to come to the wedding, was sitting there staring at her. After a couple minutes she decided to head back to her room. Well in the middle of the night he follows her and as she is trying to open her door, he comes out the bushes and says "Don't be frightened", Needless to say she flips out on him and tells him to leave. Once she gets in her room, he still stays and starts tapping on her door saying " All I want to do is hanging out with you". She was so scared she that he was there to rape her. When she told me this I wanted to flip. DH told me to leave it alone right now and to handle it when we get back home. So after that discussion I had to get back to get ready for dinner at the Japanese restaurant. Dinner was amazing. We all were so tired from the day activity that everyone ended up going back to their room to crash out.
Sunday: It was a last day here and by far the most beautiful day. We decided to call our taxi driver, because he offered to take us around St. Lucia for a fraction the the cost the resort charges. The trip was absolutely amazing. He did a wonderful job. We stopped at the banana plantations. We went to the random bar, that makes bootleg spiced rum that was amazing. We say the Pitons, and we wend to the volcano where we went into a mud bath and a sulfur spring. The tour was 6 hrs and the taxi only charges us $30pp. St. Lucia is beautiful. I actually contemplated staying there even longer. After the trip, everyone was tired so DH and I decided to call room service and call it an evening.
Monday: The people at the resort were the most accommodating people I have ever met. By the time we left DH had befriended every guest and staff member. Every staff member personally came to us and gave us a hug to say goodbye. I actually cried, because it was such an amazing experience and for everything to go they way I had wanted it to was such a blessing. Sandals really out did themselves for us and I was so grateful. Well. If you managed to read through this entire recap /> I will have to do a separate post of pics because its not allowing me to attach them to this post