African American Weddings

Tell 'Em Tuesday

Dear Mitt,

Let's call a thing a thing people.

sincerely, Iyanla

Say it witcha chess.   Go:

Re: Tell 'Em Tuesday

  • Guy that keeps coming to my desk to use the phone,

    There are pay phones outside & stop coughing all over my desk and phone! I am tired of disinfecting everytime you walk out. Furthermore, stop yelling in the phone and grunting. Its weird af! 

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Dear FI, I have 2 issues with you this morning..1 the very next time your oil light comes on and you dont check it and then your engine starts knocking because you being lazy its gon be me and you. I dont mind sharing my car but we have kids to tow and I have 2 jobs to go to...talkn bout we might have postpone the wedding cause my engine bout gone and its gone cost 2500. There is a warranty on that car you better get up and start making some calls. 2 This might be a little TMI when I say the baby is sleep lets do what we do..thats what I mean..stop playing around..I need a lil sumthin sumthin..dont be trying to hold out on me. Signed, Iloveyoubutgetittogether Dear Mom, Ima need for you to stay out my business. I DONT need you txting FI about where is my ring..and causing us to argue..and that if he dont get soon yall gon have some problems. I know the inside scoop. Im getting my ring on thanksgiving. You stay over there, I told you I overheard him and the BM talkin and how is planning to propose on dont be messing up stuff. Signed Iloveyoumombutbequiet
  • Dear Jenna Jameson,
    You're a pornstar. Saying shxt like 'When you're rich, you want a republican in office' is irrelevant when more than half the world are not rich. Have several seats.

    Dear America,
    Obama 2012.
    *drops mic*

    Dear self,
    You start work next week. Please, please, please get used to waking up at 5am. Or we all fail.

    All signed, Annoyed & Ready to Work and Vote
    May 2013 January Siggy: Cake.!
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited October 2012
    Dear Jenna Jameson,
    You're a pornstar. Saying shxt like 'When you're rich, you want a republican in office' is irrelevant when more than half the world are not rich. Have several seats. Get a new job. Your opinion doesn't matter.

    Dear America,
    Obama 2012.
    *drops mic*

    Dear self,
    You start that new job next week. Please, please, please get used to waking up at 5am. Or we all fail.

    All signed, Annoyed & Ready to Work and Vote
    May 2013 January Siggy: Cake.!
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • Dear Period,

    The older I get, the moodier I get when you come. Go somewhere and sit down!


  • Dear bridal party and especially YOU MOH- Ya'll doing the most. at this point in time- I.D.G.A.F.

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • Dear Plumber that was supposed to come fix my heat, especially because I already paid you but you have already rescheduled once and now you are late....

    It's about to be on! I am about to call FI and he is a big black man....Nahh...Ima just hit you with that intellectual spin...Ima call the BBB and report you and your company!


    But for real...its cold in here and I took off work to get me heat fixed AGAIN and YOU AINT HERE!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Dear Spin Instructor,

    You and my booty are not on the same page.

    Left Cheek of J

    Dear Gut,

    Let's break up.


    Tired of looking like the letter B from the side
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Tell 'Em Tuesday</a>:
    [QUOTE]Dear Plumber that was supposed to come fix my heat, especially because I already paid you but you have already rescheduled once and now you are late.... It's about to be on! I am about to call FI and he is a big black man....Nahh...Ima just hit you with that intellectual spin...Ima call the BBB and report you and your company! HOW BOUT THAT HAMMER.... But for real...its cold in here and I took off work to get me heat fixed AGAIN and YOU AINT HERE!
    Posted by RanyattaCasey[/QUOTE]

    <div>Girl, I just went thu this last week. The motor in my water heater went out on Friday they didnt come til tuesday night at 7p. I was livid. I was blowing up the plummer phone lol. I hope you get it fixed soon !</div>
  • dear recession,

    i am over you....
    i quit....

    signed my broke arse bank account

    "Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History" ~Laurel Thatcher Ulrich~
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Tell 'Em Tuesday</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Tell 'Em Tuesday : Girl, I just went thu this last week. The motor in my water heater went out on Friday they didnt come til tuesday night at 7p. I was livid. I was blowing up the plummer phone lol. I hope you get it fixed soon !
    Posted by MrsBad13[/QUOTE]
     <div>Girl he just called and said Saturday.....yes you heard me....SATURDAY!  Guess its just me and my space heater until then.</div>
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Tell 'Em Tuesday</a>:
    [QUOTE]Dear Romnie &@%@&@/@*@&@*#&%@!!!!
    Posted by Toiizloved[/QUOTE]

    ROTFLMAO!!!  T.

    was it the binder of women or the puppy strapped to the roof?
  • Dear HR lady,

    I need my health-insurance refund check so I can pay the deposit on my reception location...I'm tired of asking.


    I need to lock this date in so I can breathe again

    Dear Grandma,

    You knew what you was doing when you called your priest for me to have my wedding at your chuch behind my back. Nevermind that I haven't stepped foot in the catholic church since I was 12. Oh and thanks for telling me that you don't care if I'm mad, you'll give me the money for my dress and not go to the wedding.

    You are so lucky that I love and respect you AND that my church is money hungrry so I need another church to have the ceremony.

    Love, your granddaughter
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  • Dear Me,  
           Baby boy's party is Sunday and all you have is Elmo scheduled to come and perform. You gonna need more than that boo.
           Signed, Getittogether
    145 Invited image
    65 Cannot wait to party! image
    1 Saving me money! image
    80 Looking for the mailbox image
  • Dear flulike symptoms. You are making my life h e double l. I'm gonna go ahead and need you to spread out and go bug someone else. Signed Idontwanttobesickanymore
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Dear Bons Secour Hospital Emergency Room,

    PLEASE PLEASE stop accepting my request to pick up agency in your emergency room.. and I plan to work three weeks straight.. (full time job and then all weekend at your hospital)... I plan out what I am going to pay.... and THEN....


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