African American Weddings


Hey Chica,
Sorry I've been MIA. Ended up going to Miami for my bday with the girls and had a ball. Only went out there for 2 days and lost my phone :(. Luckly I was able to get a loaner phone from Verizon store while out there and shipped back once home. Me and Boo just went to get massages and out for dinner on 10-23. I got my Kindle Fire for my bday present. He says its a good investment as much as I read books. lol. How are things going with you ?
Im on facebook everyday.

Re: ***FootballWife77***

  • Hey Girl!! That's good that you had a good time! I thought maybe ya'll got kidnapped lol. ooooohh! that kindle is on my xmas list to "Santa". You like it so far? I was actually just talking with my coworker about verizon, because i was complaining about tmobile, to upgrade your phone, they force you into a data plan and charge and arm and a leg. Did they give you loaner and new phone for free?
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  • Girl this Kindle is my new best friend.(LOL). Yeap in Miami they gave me a loaner phone and when I got back home I was eligible to get a free upgrade so it all worked out for me.

    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:52884e07-04a7-4ee9-b6b9-ae20a1b3d308Post:b21c3880-57fb-4ee6-9fa2-4cc5fb4c2b97">Re: ***FootballWife77***</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hey Girl!! That's good that you had a good time! I thought maybe ya'll got kidnapped lol. ooooohh! that kindle is on my xmas list to "Santa". You like it so far? I was actually just talking with my coworker about verizon, because i was complaining about tmobile, to upgrade your phone, they force you into a data plan and charge and arm and a leg. Did they give you loaner and new phone for free?
    Posted by footballwife77[/QUOTE]
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