African American Weddings

Getting Him a Stripper for his BDAY??? Is This Some Kind of Trend???

So....for the second time in about 2 months, my FI and I have been invited to a bday party where there is going to be  a female stripper. The first party was for a friend of his, thrown by his girlfriend. She thought it would be brilliant to get her man a stripper for his bday? WTF?? Needless to say, I didn't go. Now, this weekend, his cousin is throwing an Ex-Bachelor party for her husband's birthday complete with a pole class and stripper for entertainment. What the eff is going on with these chicks??? I'm not judging, but I just don't understand their logic.

Don't get me wrong; I am far from prudish.  I trust my king completely and I know he would never do anything to jeopardize our future. I also know that he WILL be having a bachelor party and most likely there will be a stripper. HOWEVER....I don't want to be there to witness it and I can't be held responsible for my actions if some chick comes shaking her ass in his face. IJS.  What are your thoughts ladies????
The Future Mrs. Douglas Daisypath Wedding tickers LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Re: Getting Him a Stripper for his BDAY??? Is This Some Kind of Trend???

  • i dont mind strippers in the least bit, and them shaking their ass in my FI face wouldnt bother me....its their job....they gotta eat too, and booty shakin sells!  Personally i love strippers!!! what the do is amazing to me....its like a nekkid circus!

  • lol@soontobe!

    I would NEVER NEVER EVER get fiance a stripper and i sure wouldn't go to a party with one there. For what? so i can see fiance stare at someone else. NOPE. and if anyone doing tata slapping- it's me lol!
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  • In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:72f747b4-6e48-429d-a256-c8f4befc8985Post:ed303d29-63e0-4f38-a7a0-4df7191af714">Re: Getting Him a Stripper for his BDAY??? Is This Some Kind of Trend???</a>:
    [QUOTE]i dont mind strippers in the least bit, and them shaking their ass in my FI face wouldnt bother me....its their job....they gotta eat too, and booty shakin sells!  Personally i love strippers!!! <strong>what the do is amazing to me....its like a nekkid circus</strong>!
    Posted by soontobehasrouni[/QUOTE]

    The Future Mrs. Douglas Daisypath Wedding tickers LilySlim Weight loss tickers
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Getting Him a Stripper for his BDAY??? Is This Some Kind of Trend???</a>:
    [QUOTE]i dont mind strippers in the least bit, and them shaking their ass in my FI face wouldnt bother me....its their job....they gotta eat too, and booty shakin sells!  Personally i love strippers!!! what the do is amazing to me...<strong>.its like a nekkid circus!</strong>
    Posted by soontobehasrouni[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>DEAD------------------CAN SOMEBODY GET THE CRASH CART PLEASE......LMAO! But im with you on this one i dont mind them heck i went with him to one of the clubs here in Miami and paid for him a dance....i was like gone girl do yo thang LOL</div>

    Lilypie - H1jI

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  • i know that right, i love me some strippers. Go girl....swirl your skinny little fit ass around that pole. Im not hatin!! at least u can do mad that i might get a fat roll wrapped up around the pole and get stuck. Ive never gone to a strip club with FI, everytime he wants to go i dont wanna go...everytime i wanna go he doesnt. one of these days we will get it together. hell, we might end up running into each other the night of our bacherlor/bachleorette parties at the hustler club!
  • In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:72f747b4-6e48-429d-a256-c8f4befc8985Post:dcc8edd2-b05a-45fb-8dd4-a981834d9f31">Re: Getting Him a Stripper for his BDAY??? Is This Some Kind of Trend???</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Getting Him a Stripper for his BDAY??? Is This Some Kind of Trend??? : DEAD------------------CAN SOMEBODY GET THE CRASH CART PLEASE......LMAO! But im with you on this one <strong>i dont mind them heck i went with him to one of the clubs here in Miami and paid for him a dance....i was like gone girl do yo thang</strong> LOL
    Posted by misstira[/QUOTE]

    Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against them. In the past I've gone to strip clubs with guys I've dated, but this time it seems different. I just don't want to see it.
    The Future Mrs. Douglas Daisypath Wedding tickers LilySlim Weight loss tickers
  • go for FI, esp coming from me. He feels likewise. But I think it has to do with the social culture. These parties, hosted by the female for her male are becoming more acceptable. Just like some ladies will allow the male to attend a party like this, but only if they also attend. 
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  • In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:72f747b4-6e48-429d-a256-c8f4befc8985Post:ed303d29-63e0-4f38-a7a0-4df7191af714">Re: Getting Him a Stripper for his BDAY??? Is This Some Kind of Trend???</a>:
    [QUOTE]i dont mind strippers in the least bit, and them shaking their ass in my FI face wouldnt bother me....its their job....they gotta eat too, and booty shakin sells!  Personally i love strippers!!! what the do is amazing to me....its like a nekkid circus!
    Posted by soontobehasrouni[/QUOTE]

    Lol. I have been to the strip club a few times with my husband when we were dating. I had a great time. I even smacked one on the butt. I think it is all in fun. Now I don't know about the private lap dances. I have to draw the line there. You can look, you can even smack, but don't grab lol.
  • I personally wouldn't attend however I will be taking pole classes in the, near future so FI can get a show at home. Shhhhhhh don't tell anyone.
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  • I have no issues with him having strippers trust me i like when he goes with the boys lol
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  • Bandz will make her dance song is stuck in my head now.

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