African American Weddings

DIY Programs

What do you think? My designer is going on vacay until Nov 1. Wedding is Nov 17th. I really don't want to have to worry about will she finish and can I get them printed in time. I'm thinking about having her cancel the programs and I can do them myself.
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Re: DIY Programs

  • I say go for it.. Cha sent me a template for the fan's I'm using. I've already typed them up just havenet printed them. You can do anything you put your mind to lol
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Yep! I say make a mock up one before you cancel out on designer and just go from there! I'm sure you will be pleased with your results!! Cha
    click here to view our Amazing Love wedding website Anniversary
  • I say go for it.  Yeah and you can use us as your reviewers :)
    Daisypath Wedding tickers LilySlim Fitness goals tickers
  • I think if she designs them you can just print them on cardstock anywhere
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  • I would let her design them so they match the rest of your stationary. You can always print them locally with same or next day service.


  • I already cancelled. She wasn't going to even start on the design until Nov 1. I have all the files and I have All the Adobe photoshop programs on my computer so I really can do it, I just didn't want to. LOL. 

    I didn't want anything extensive, just to use the monogram and I can do that and if all else my line sisters is a graphic designer and would help me out. 

    I've done programs (and all wedding stationary) for clients before, but I just wanted to do something else. Oh well. At least that took some money off my bill :) 
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