So last night was FI's bachelor party and based on a long running inside joke that he and I have, I made him a "survival kit" it included: Safety Goggles, Rubber Gloves, a Mask, 2 Rain Ponchoes ( you never know when you might need a back up), an energy drink, sanitizer wipes, and a lighter to burn everything after lol.
Today is the day after and I realize that I should have added a loaf of bread and some instant coffee bc he is beyond drunk and still sleep ( this is a man that gets up @ 6:30 on Saturday's) he is at his cousin/Best Man's house b/c I got drunk text's all night until about 3am so im like u can't even text straight there is no way you are driving back home.. his cousin and I made him take a bag bc his cousin fully intended on gettin him wasted (mission fully accomplished) and I don't play the drunk driving thing... But newho I believe he had a great time and I am glad... Tonight is my turn .=-)

176-Made the Cut

Final Count 152-Are #Team Morris Wedding.