African American Weddings

FI's "Bachelor Party Survival Kit" PIP

So last night was FI's bachelor party and based on a long running inside joke that he and I have, I made him a "survival kit"  it included: Safety Goggles, Rubber Gloves, a Mask, 2 Rain Ponchoes ( you never know when you might need a back up), an energy drink, sanitizer wipes, and a lighter to burn everything after lol.

Today is the day after and  I realize that  I should have added a loaf of bread and some instant coffee bc he is beyond drunk and still sleep ( this is a man that gets up @ 6:30 on Saturday's) he is at his cousin/Best Man's house b/c I got drunk text's all night until about 3am so im like u can't even text straight there is no way you are driving back home.. his cousin and I made him take a bag bc his cousin fully intended on gettin him wasted (mission fully accomplished)  and I don't play the drunk driving thing... But newho I believe he had a great time and I am glad... Tonight is my turn .=-)

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image Final Count 152-Are #Team Morris Wedding.

Re: FI's "Bachelor Party Survival Kit" PIP

  • LOL! I love this! Ok, Im gonna need you to explain the rain pochoes and goggles...LOL

     I have to do this! I like the things you talked about adding. I would add nuts or sunflower seeds and a bottle of water, FI's drinking eats.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: FI's "Bachelor Party Survival Kit" PIP</a>:
    [QUOTE]LOL! I love this! Ok, Im gonna need you to explain<strong> the rain pochoes and goggles.</strong>..LOL  I have to do this! I like the things you talked about adding. I would add nuts or sunflower seeds and a bottle of water, FI's drinking eats.
    Posted by keyaira04[/QUOTE]

    lmao its part of our joke.... It is to protect his eyes and body if anything crazy popped off lol

    I can't elaborate w/o being vulgar lol.... its based off of a story we heard from one of our friends who went to a rather risque strip club in NYC and things got crazy to say the least lol.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    image 176-Made the Cut
    image Final Count 152-Are #Team Morris Wedding.
  • That's cute...
    "Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History" ~Laurel Thatcher Ulrich~
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  • Lmbo, that was really cute. (Note to self)
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  • Now that's cute!!!
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