African American Weddings

Burrito rant

Yeaaah.. it's a slow day on the board today. So last night Chipotle had $2.00 burritos if you dressed up in costume. After the kid went trick or treating we stopped in. He loves chipotle, me- not so much. So the boy orders his. and then i order mine. I usually only get rice and chicken. So the guy asks white or brown rice, i say white, but can i get extra rice? his response "well i'm not supposed to, it's real busy, but i can see what i can do". What are you talking about. it's a yes or no question. not only is it a yes or no question, but you got the spoon in your hand dishing up my rice as you speak, it's kind of a split second decision dude. He ended up giving me a half scoop of extra rice.

end rant.
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