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Re: Kindle or the Nook

  • dont know much about the nook so I say kindle fire ! 
  • yeah, i posted on fb and that's what alot of people are saying. Anyone know what the difference between kindle fire and kindle fire tablet is?
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Kindle or the Nook</a>:
    [QUOTE]yeah, i posted on fb and that's what alot of people are saying. Anyone know what the difference between kindle fire and kindle fire tablet is?
    Posted by footballwife77[/QUOTE]

    Nook Tablet!  I don't know anything about the kindle. I call my nook my mimi laptop i can get on the internet, play games, listen to pandora, check and get email from multiple email accounts. I can get magazine subscriptions on my nook and books.
  • I got the Kindle Fire for my birthday and LOVE IT. It goes everywhere I go never tried the Nook before.
  • I'm a apple head but I heard the kindle fire is pretty good.
  • I have a nook and love it..
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • we got our daughter a kindle fire... and she was all hesitant at first.. looking at us like "y did we get her this time, when she didnt ask for it".....

    Well... like 30-45 lie.... she was IN LOVE WITH THE THING!!!

    She said it's amazing

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I'm a *nookie*  ;)  it's awesomesauce.  The thing is, this (the nook) was made to be an e-reader.  I'm an avid reader so for what I use it for, you've gotta pry this thing out of my cold, dead hands.  every other similar device which followed this one (including kindle) was made to be tablets - so they're more gadgety.  kindles have a built in camera, they're more *streamable* if you want to download apps and do a hundred other things on a tablet, this is more your device, but I'd say if you wanna do all that, skip kindle altogether and get a mini Ipad or some other tablet that was really made for multi-media-ing.   If you wanna read ebooks and happen to be able to check your email and browswe the web, I vote for nook color - dunno if kindle's color.  check staples online for their nook color deal T, they're selling em for $75 but I can't remember the catch. 
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