
Photographer- CHECK!


After a few interviews we decided to go with JennyGG. Clicked with her right away, so we’ll do our e-pics in Oct.  Would it be too much if I get my hair and make up done for that? Do you have any recs for someone who can do that? What's a good budget average for MUA and hair?


Re: Photographer- CHECK!

  • mgoss228mgoss228 member
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Congrats on the check! 

    We will be taking our e-pics later this month with Jenny.  And I plan on going to my regular hair stylist (I need to get my roots fixed up anyways) for a color and style, and then I want to stop by the MAC counter at my local Nordies for makeup (and I need to invest in some new eye and lip makeup, so might as well get a "pro" to apply it for the pics).  I also plan on stopping by the jewelry store FI got my e-ring, and get it cleaned so it will sparkle more Wink

    So to answer your question, I think it is fairly norm to get your hair and/or makeup done for e-pics.  I wouldn't spend more (or even too close) to what you are budgeting for your actual wedding look.  It is up to you and what you are comfortable with!
    OMH est. May 7, 2011
    Photo courtesy of jennygg.com
    My never updated Planning/Married Bio: http://mgoss228.weebly.com/
    Seattle Knotties: Please page me if you send me a PM!
  • edited December 2011
    Very exciting!  Jenny is awesome.  We'll also be doing our e-pics sometime in the fall with her.  I agree with mgoss - it seems reasonable to get hair and makeup done in more a day-time look but I wouldn't do exactly the same as your wedding look.  Some recs that I've seen from other knotties are: Taryn Hart, I love Blush, and Offwhite (although recently it sounds like Offwhite isn't responding to inquiries).  Most salon's can do occasion hair and the makeup counter is a great idea.  Congrats!  Have fun.
  • jennlinjennlin member
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    <3<3<3 jgg <3<3<3
    ♥ bfp2 02/15/2012 ♥ edd 10/23/2013 ♥
    ♥ bfp1 06/14/2011 ♥ edd 02/22/2012 ♥
    ♥ baby jennlin born on 02/15/2012 ♥

    who says you can only wear your wedding dress once?

    honeymoon biomarried bioplanning bio
    jumped ship to the new and improved nest. back to TB for baby boards.
  • dreamwindsdreamwinds member
    edited December 2011

    I'm starting to really like her shots, but I'm biased and love my own photographers so~

    But congratulations on a nice check. ^^

    As for MUAs, when I was looking a few months ago, I feel like (I don't have my notes with me) the average cost of hair and make up for a bride was anywhere from 200-500 dollars? But these were people who would come out to me and not salons, so I don't really know.

    imageLilypie Maternity tickers
  • edited December 2011
    JEALOUS! Congrats. I will have to check out this Jenn she seems to be popular.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • koosh ballkoosh ball member
    Knottie Warrior 100 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Love Jenny.
  • edited December 2011
    Loooove Jenny!!  As for makeup & hair, I just went to my normal hair stylist and paid for a shampoo & style (not updo) since my hair was so long and I wanted it curled.  As PP mentioned, probably be best to just schedule a makeover with the MAC counter at Nordy the day of (allow 1-1.5 hours for the makeover) and all you'll need to do really is buy a few products which shouldn't be too difficult (I needed lipstick and eyeliner anyhow) to compensate for the time.
    Family fall photo session with Ashley Hoyle Photography
    Married 7/10/10
    Wedding Planning Bio - Updated 6/13/2010
  • edited December 2011
    I would also recommend going to your normal hair stylist, and then a make-up counter at nordies. I can recommend a fabulous woman at Laura Mercier who does an incredible job. When I finally end up getting our engagement pics done, she's who I'll go to.
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks all for great ideas!

    I started getting quotes form MUA and they seemed a bit hight for just E-pic session: $200-300.
    I'll book my regular stylist and look into a Nordy's make over.

    Ok, time to start looking for venues...
  • edited December 2011
    Let's all do our YAY WE BOOKED JENNY dance!!!!
    I am like a falling star who has finally found her place next to another in a lovely constellation, where we will sparkle in the heavens forever
  • edited December 2011
    I just did my e-pics (and am impatiently waiting for them to come back...) and had my hair and makeup did. Like everyone else, went to my regular stylist and to MAC at U-village. The guy there. Rick Roth did awesome and will be doing my wedding makeup. He seemed pretty reasonable. Since I was in the store, I just had to spend $50 (easy) and for day of makeup he will come to me and quoted $150...
    Photobucket Photobucket
  • edited December 2011
    Dona, you'll have to post the pics as soon as they get in, I'll check him out for make up. Thank you!
  • edited December 2011

    I think its high recommeded you get your hair and make up done. You're spending money on the photos, you might as well look your best! :)

    I would recomment my friend Erica Madera for Hair and makeup www.ericamadera.com or Swink Style Bar in DT Seattle. I didnt think about it much when I did mine and I went to the mac counter to save some money and they did a great job :) I just did my own hair though :)

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