Ladies....I have until Friday evening until I marry my best friend. I am so elated as this is a moment I have waited for. I never thought I would b marrying such a caring, loving, thoughtful, and honorable man. I have been through many ups and downs in relationships and let me tell you, when God says to wait...that is just what you do. He had someone better in mind for me, and I could not be more grateful for my soon to be husband!!!!
So that leads me in to saying this: It has been a pleasure getting to know EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU. I feel like I have gained some friendships for life! This has been a wonderful time in my life, and I am happy I was able to share all the ups, downs, happy, sad, and crazy moments with all of you! I appreciate you for letting me in your lives as well. Thank you for all the ideas, suggestions, listening ears, motivation, and prayers. You girls Rock!
This moment is bittersweet...I hate to call it a “sign-off” because I will most definitely be a few days! LOL! There are many of you that I do not want to miss even a single moment of your planning, wedding day, and wedding day recaps.
Thank you for all the support and prayers/love during my planning period. You all have been such a great group of ladies to work with! Thank you Thank you Thank you!
Cha-Cha getting married ya’ll!!!!! Yaaaay!!!!!
With deepest sincerity,
here to view our Amazing Love wedding website