African American Weddings

A Few EPics (PIP)

Talked to my photog last night, she said she will be done all the pictures tonight. She loved the pics with the kids so she sent me 3 of those as teasers. They're so cute.! She said she took a total of 450 pictures. Alot she said were candids of us fooling around that came out really good. She won't give me back all 450 cause some of them are the same pose. I told her just pick out the best ones out of those. When I get them back, I'll show you ladies some more.! Enjoy.!

Saw this on Pinterest. Had to do it. FI's middle finger is sticking up on the L. Its an eye sore. Gotta crop it. Lol. But love the picture.

Family pics.!

This one is funny.

And this is my fave.! We may frame this one. This is a candid. We were laughing at each other, and she took the shot. Love it.!

When we get the rest, the ones with FI and I, I will definitely share.!

May 2013 January Siggy: Cake.!
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