i explained last night on shano's post about her bridemaid my problem.
I have 2 bridemaids...both were friends with each other before i met them. Anyway, ive asked them to be in the wedding, picked out the dresses and nothing.
I have a feeling they are going to bail on me and lemme tell you why....
the one isnt the greatest with her money and hasnt started saving at ALL. she keeps making comments to me on how expensive the airfare is (Well duh...gas is $4.00). I think she is grossly underestimating how much this trip is going to cost.
Ive been telling them since july that the BM dresses have to be ordered by october and havent heard a word about it since. I sent them both a text last week letting them know the dresses must be ordered by 10/15. i gave the the price, color, style number and told the that davids does lay a way and i have a $20 off coupon for them so the dress will end up only costing $80.
Now i know my one friend, she waits all year for tax time, and buying your dress at tax time will be wayyyyyy to late. it wont be here in time.
I told FI if they dont buy the dresses by the deadline, oct 15. im not going to say anything else about it to them. im not going to hound them about buying them or anything because frankly i could care less if they come or not, i just wanna get married.
When can i officially count them out? I am putting a lot of stuff on hold to wait and see if they buy them by the deadline. I am very organized and like to have my numbers all together and waiting to see is really messing me up. Do i count them out as of oct 15 if the dresses arent bought or do I wait until like january? If I do count them out, do I even say anything or leave it alone until one of them brings it up to me? itll be awkward to say to them when they bring it up "oh i just assumed you didnt want to do it because you never ordered your dress, and ive moved along in the planning process"
My MOH is holding out on buying her dress to see if they buy theres. If they dont, shes just going to buy the dress she originally wanted.
blah what do to? oh, did i tell you i never got responses from either of them from the text? I had to ask the one if she even got it, she was like "oh yeah i got it...yeah thats fine...."