African American Weddings

Recap (LIP)

OK since the committee has been BUGGING me about goes:

The beginning of my pampering for wedding day started today. Originally my nail appointment was scheduled for noon, then I moved it up, then I pushed it back again (but I don't remember exactly So I went to sit with Mya who is my nail tech (LOVE HER) and had a great time! It was so relaxing to be able to just sit and talk and have no worries about anything. It was great. My mani and pedi turned out great. Exactly what I needed. DH cousin came in early that morning and was with him for the rest of the day.....Bachelor party was that night so I didn't see him again until Friday.

I got the kids ready and off to school at regular time (for once since I'm not working). I had a 9am hair appt, then was to pick up the rental at 12. Well, after my hair appointment, the rest of the day was a BUST. DH called me when I was about to leave the shop and said his car was still parked at College Park train station from when he went to get his cousin and his BM picked them up and he never went back to get his car. Well, I said ok. Needless to say, this adjusted a full hour and half off my schedule. Going to get him (and cousin) and they WEREN"T ready to leave when I got there, then it put me in traffic trying to get the truck. All of that then made me late getting to the bus stop to get my son off the school bus and DH pissed me off so much I waited on them to get the truck ready, took him to his car and then called my GF who happened to be near the airport getting her hair done and was finished I came and scooped her so she could drive my car back to my mom's house. Needless to say it was an ordeal! I asked DH to go get son from school early, he refused...he was just being a pure royal A$$! So my sister from anotha motha met me after my aunt got him off the bus and took him to get a hair cut. I was so frustrated, didn't ever get back home to get changed, put makeup  on, or anything for the rehearsal or RD. By this time, I was rushing to get to the cleaners to pick up my dress. I still hadn't packed my overnight bag to stay at the hotel or for my H or gone to pick up DH band.....which I was able to run by and get quickly. I was totally confused that I had forgotten to pick it up.. I called DH and said I need u to pick up babygirl....and hung up the phone. I made it to the church on time for rehearsal. Well, all of my running around I managed to get there on time.....but where is DH? LOST! That's where he was. He got to rehearsal a whole 45 min late. EVERYBODY was waiting on him. By this time I was so furious I literally cried on my MOH shoulder, prior to him getting there. All of his GM were not focused and I was just like if this is how tomorrow will be....cancel the show I'm outty! Afterwards, we had the RD and it was all much so that BM (BEST MAN) took our son with his son for the night....they are 5 and 4, I was like YES! . Then I had to go check in to the hotel. Did that and was finished with seeing DH until wedding day. At this time I still had the cake topper to finish, the escort cards, and the table list. Not to mention, I still didn't have programs printed OR the table names printed (all stuff I was supposed to do Friday)

Got up Sat morning and went to the bank to get the cash for final payments for vendors. Was trying to do the table assignements (still) and eventually gave up. I did get the table names printed at CVS and had my mom pick them up. The programs were printed at FedEx kinkos downtown and folded and had my cousin pick them up on her way to the church. Came back to the hotel and my girls started arriving. They came with Muscadine wine, 1800, and a bottle of Champagne in tow. Needless to say, by the time the ceremony started I was feeling good :) It was a last minute decision to get ready at the hotel. After Friday night, I said I'm gonna need some fun early, so I texted the makeup artist, photographer and videographer to let them know the change. The hotel was right down the street from the church.   We got to the church at 3:45 for pre-photos....the weather was nice just a bit chilly. We took photos outside of the church so she could do some creative lighting techniques and not have to use all flash for inside. Went back upstairs for final touchups of hair and makeup and then applied my veil (which showed up the day before) and it was show time. We had a prayer (led by my awesome BM Adrienne), I cried Not boo hooed, but teary, and then they went downstairs and I waited on my brother to come up and sit with me.  When my hostess Ashley came and got us, OMG we knew it was on. The doors opened and it was beautiful. I started tearing as soon as I hit the door. LOL. Once I got to the aisle, DH smiled at me and that made me smile and it was teary smiles the whole way down..  Here is the video of my processional:

The ceremony was great! DH cried during his vows (I didn't! YAY).  Everything was cool, we jumped the broom and my tiara slipped forward. LOL. I guess the comb from veil and tiara were fighting each other, but it was cool....I was able to fix it. The ceremony was a bit longer than I thought it would be....about 40 min. But we did unity candle and communion. DH couldn't get the candle out of the candle holder for the unity candle it was quite interesting but we worked it out. Then onto the reception (after some photos). Welll, it was a Ga Tech game....we got stuck in traffic AND we did a Bride Groom Portrait Shoot around the corner from the reception, so it started a bit late too waiting on us to arrive BUT yay for cocktails and passed hors devoures. We got there and they took great care of us all night. All of our drinks were GRATIS! Oh we had a ball. The food was great, the decor was awesome, everything was just fabulous! AND they found the blind wrap for my cake. YAY!!!!! It was so great.  I don't know what it is but something happened with MIL and she was just soooo nice. PRAISE GOD! I really think seeing her son cry sealed the deal that he was truly happy. My Sorors came out in Full effect! Cha, the circle was HUGE (or I guess sitting in the middle it seemed huge LOL). My LS and I did our line stroll from 8 yrs ago....can't believe I remembered because I never do them at all. We just had an overall great time. It all came together so nicely, the absolute vision I wanted....was there and I couldn't have asked for a better day.

After the wedding, we went to go move DH car from the church, well he couldn't find his keys (Sat night). We said, well we will deal with it in the morning. We check out of the hotel.....they lost the keys to the truck in valet. That was over an hour that we waited for the keys. I'm so surprised DH didn't flip....because regularly he would have. They took the $30 valet overnight chrage off...thank GOD! So aside from that....we went to the church....and then he realizes one of his GM has his keys. Well, this is the same one who had some problem with his phone it took us 2 hours to find him. Scourng the city, it was like something out of Law & Order. Crazy! Then we took the truck back, went to get my car from my mom's then went back downtown to get his car. Then finally was able to get home, pack, and get to the airport. We ended up in Biz Class (thank goodness for that 4 hr flight). I found us a deal for Sunday night because our other reservations weren't until MOnday. WE stayed our 1st night at Mandalay Bay. They didn't have the suite that we reserved ready, so they upgraded us, took off the resort fee, and gave us free wifi. YAY! The cab driver was dik though. I gave him a 20 for the 15 ride (where he didn't communicate at all) and was really looking at me like I get a $5 tip....for good service. I was like u can give me 4 back. LOL. He was a true a$$.

Overall, our HM was great. We didn't do anything but lose money on the BJ table ($100 was our limit) and eat. Didn't go to a show because we were too cheap and we said we'd rather keep our cash. LOL. We ate good though.  We went to this place called Hash House a Go Go (I had the BEST chicken & waffles ever) and then we also went to our staple Ellis Island. They had great hole in the wall food. LOL. It's in the cut, but its good cheap eats. Everytime we go to vegas we go there. We did go to a buffet. We went to Bacchanal Buffet at Caesars, which was good too. It was much better than the Wynn that we went to last time we were there.  We also came in on the tail end of breakfast when they were changing to Lunch :)  We ended up leaving Vegas early. We were supposed to fly out at 7am on Thanksgiving day, but we decided to leave at midnight on Wednesday. I said, what is the difference bw midnight and 7??? Nothing. We would just be sleeping. So I said lets go so we can be home early on Thanksgiving. We got back at 6am EST and I'm so glad we did that. I picked the kids up from my mom at about 11am, we went to my SIL for dinner around 4 and stayed til about 9.

Married life is great. I don't know what it is but DH is a totally different man. Not that he wasn't a good one before, but he said that he is really making an active interest to step up to the role (and I see the changes). He even said he wants us to fnd a family church and he wants to be active in it. Caught me totally by surprise. He's never been anti church, just he doesn't like the church hoopla and big business of the mega church scene.

When I get some more pics, I will def post. For the engaged sistahs, WAIT....and yes I'm talking about in the bedroom. If you currently aren't waiting, you really should. It made a world of difference! Not that it was bad, because it was never that (LOL), but just the connection after being married and waiting and anticipation OMG it was great! It may be hard, but it can be done.
image180 Made the cut!
image 129 Ready to drop it like its HOT!
image 7 Found something else to do
image 44 Are just plain RUDE!
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Re: Recap (LIP)

  • Awwww Mrs. Smith! Thank you for the recap and welcome to club! Thank God for all the people that step in and step up. Glad that your day was amazing! Loved the video...can't wait to see your professional pics! Ohhh...that dress...
  • Aww Sissy,
    Sounds like you were prett\y busy but got everything accomplished. I'm glad your happy and it all worked out.  I'll have to check out that place next time Im in Vegas. Congrats, yousa Married Now. (lol)...
  • Thanks ladies! Our final count ended up being at 240....yea so much for the 150 hopeful. Lol. Yes thank God for all the helping hands in the end. My BM finished the cake topper, my bestie finished the table list, and all my aunts stiked the reception space at the end of the night. THE grooms cake was a hit. I'm about to go to my moms we still have a whole tier of wedding cake left outside of our top layer. Cake was a hit too.
    image180 Made the cut!
    image 129 Ready to drop it like its HOT!
    image 7 Found something else to do
    image 44 Are just plain RUDE!
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  • Congratulations Mrs. Smith!!  Sounds like ya'll had a blast - thas a recap and a half girl.  

    I'm a little salty (at you) that he had time to pick up the velvet jacket but not the kids.  ::slowheadshake::
  • aww Congrats Mrs Smith :) 

    sounds like yall had a great day...
    i was with ya til the wait part lol 
    too old for that i need to keep my sanity... hahaha

    "Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History" ~Laurel Thatcher Ulrich~
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  • Aww! Congrats again! Sounds like a whirlwind of fun...LOL!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker Simply Fabulous!
  • CONGRATS!!! You looked so wonderful
    577906 10151197172303105 844768324 n Follow Me on Pinterest Anniversary
  • Congrats!!! Great recap
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  • Congrats Mrs! The soloist was great! I am so glad that your day was great. Cant wait for the pro pics! And Noted on the waiting part.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers LilySlim Fitness goals tickers
  • Congrats Morg on becoming Mrs... Love the recap.. It sounds like you had a adventurous a couple of days but i'm glad you had an amazing wedding day... Can't wait to see pics... Thanks for the advice..
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Congrats on being a MRS. I love the recap amd so happy your day turned out they way you envisioned ! I cant wait to see the pics !!
  • Thanks yall! Yes B.....velvet jacket and no kids....I could have blown a gasket. HOWEVER, everything is all grand. We still haven't opened gifts or cards yet.
    image180 Made the cut!
    image 129 Ready to drop it like its HOT!
    image 7 Found something else to do
    image 44 Are just plain RUDE!
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  • Congrats Morgan!! I am glad that you day was all that you wished for!
  • CreoleBride30CreoleBride30 member
    1000 Comments 25 Love Its First Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited November 2012
    Congratulations Mrs Smith on crossing over to the other side! married na!!!!!! Seems like yall had a great time! Your soloist was on point!

    click here to view our Amazing Love wedding website Anniversary
  • CONGRATS!!!! you both looked amazing...

    I am glad you kept your head gasket.... they're pretty expensive... haha.. i know lame joke...

    I didnt know you guys were going to Vegas... I never wanna leave there early.. I LOVE VEGAS..hence... that's why we're getting married there...

    I am sooo happy for you... and the new changes and all the LOVE!!!!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Congrats. I love reading recaps on this board. It makes the waiting more bearable.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I'm glad everything day-of went so smoothly! Did ya'll have fun in Vegas? I know you said that your hubby really likes it there. I'm taking note of that place too, we'll visit it. Thanks for sharing! I loved the video! Congrats again!
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • Thanks for the RCAP. Loved the entrance song, the soloist was on point.. Aww Im watching all of my girls becoming Mrs. Bitter/ Sweet Moment.
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  • In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:ceaab853-ec9b-4567-8176-5584ec5d312dPost:14525acb-801a-4e09-80a9-ee42096d8daa">Re: Recap (LIP)</a>:
    [QUOTE]Thanks for the RCAP. Loved the entrance song, the soloist was on point.. <strong><em>Aww Im watching all of my girls becoming Mrs. Bitter/ Sweet Moment.
    </em></strong>Posted by Toiizloved[/QUOTE]

    GIRL... your time is coming up sooo fast.. It will be here before you know it..<img src="" border="0" alt="Laughing" title="Laughing" />
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