African American Weddings

Am I wrong?

FI and I are having an ongoing "debate" about bridal party transportation. I booked a trolley to transport the 23 members of the BP from our hotels/condo to the ceremony and from the ceremony to the reception. Everyone will need to get a ride back at the end. Everyone attending has a spouse/partner/family member also attending the wedding except for maybe one person.


1) Doesn't see why I want the bridal party to travel together from the ceremony to the reception. He thinks we shouldn't rent anything and should just drive our own cars.

2) Thinks if we get the trolley we should keep it for the entire recption (another $450!!) to transport everyone back!

I said absolutely not. They are all grown and can figure out getting in the car with their partner. I've been in 3 weddings that got me to the venue but never once took me home!

Am I wrong? I really dont trust his GM who arent from the area and I dont want us to be waiting on them for pictures and entrances. What do yall think?

Stand firm or I'm tripping?
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Re: Am I wrong?

  • im on your team....they can all get home.

    Im cheap, so i would want people to drive themselves everywhere. BUT i HATE when people arent on time, so the trolley is worth the peace of mind

    why is it an additional $450? They are gunna wait for all of you during the reception? Cant you just hire the trolly at 11 or whenever the reception ends? i hate that youd have to pay for time you wouldnt be using
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Am I wrong?</a>:
    [QUOTE]im on your team....they can all get home. Im cheap, so i would want people to drive themselves everywhere. <strong>BUT i HATE when people arent on time, so the trolley is worth the peace of mind</strong> why is it an additional $450? They are gunna wait for all of you during the reception? Cant you just hire the trolly at 11 or whenever the reception ends? i<strong> hate that youd have to pay for time you wouldnt be using</strong>
    Posted by soontobehasrouni[/QUOTE]

    Nope they have minimums so basically our first 4 hours would start over if we sent them away and brought them back. So we'd either be spending $450 for them to wait or go and come back.

    Thats my thing. Peace of mind. I want to be able to stop and take pictures at different spots I have in mind (which I told FI) and I think it would be nuts to coordinate 18 adults and 3 kids on a 25 minute drive all over a city they aren't familiar with! And get this he wants us to get in our own car and drive!
    577906 10151197172303105 844768324 n Follow Me on Pinterest Anniversary
  • no way, they cant drive themselves anywhere for pics. the pics will never get done. just get the trolley for the pics and let everyone figure out how theyll get home.
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:d95eb07c-aceb-4650-94f8-91998272335dPost:546a033f-7135-46a3-ae9c-99c9184638b2">Re: Am I wrong?</a>:
    [QUOTE]no way, they cant drive themselves anywhere for pics. the pics will never get done. just get the trolley for the pics and let everyone figure out how theyll get home.
    Posted by soontobehasrouni[/QUOTE]

    This! You don't not want to be worried and stressed on your day wondering will everyone get to each location on time.
  • No, all your points are vaild. The only one that I can see from his view is transporting people back.  M1ssJ is always on point, so I know you have figured both scenarios out, but I was in a BP in which I did not know how I was getting to the reception. I ended up carpooling with another BM and was on time, but the bride forgot to inform me on this part. So as long as you have a plan, which I know you do, you should be fine. Stand firm :)
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  • In Response to Re:Am I wrong?:[QUOTE]no way, they cant drive themselves anywhere for pics. the pics will never get done. just get the trolley for the pics and let everyone figure out how theyll get home. Posted by soontobehasrouni[/QUOTE]

    This ! When I was in a wedding I just dropped my car off at the recpetion site and then haf somebody pic me up to get to the church...I think it should be their responsibilty to get home once the party is over !
    imageimage May2013 October Siggy:Honeymoon:Putna Cana
  • Thanks yall! I had to show him this post to make him understand
    577906 10151197172303105 844768324 n Follow Me on Pinterest Anniversary
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