African American Weddings

Money bag vs. Clutch

Are/did any of use a money bag to carry for those guest who will give/gave you monetary gifts or pull/[pulled you to the side to give you a little sumthin sumthin ? 

I am think of using a are som inspirations of cluthces,,which one do you like ?


imageimage May2013 October Siggy:Honeymoon:Putna Cana

Re: Money bag vs. Clutch

  • I like the first.
    **I am getting married to Mr. Wonderful on 11/3/2012**
  • I like the last one
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  • I like the blue one
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  • I didn't use any of them.. All of the money people really gave were in the cards... so at the end of the night my DOC took all the cards and put them in a small gift bag so that we could take them back to the hotel with us. We did have a money dance.. by my hubby was the bank! he collected all the money from me... lined it up correctly and put it in his tux I think I went back to our sweetheart table to deliver cash at least 3 times. All of this was caught on camera... freakin priceless!
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