African American Weddings

7 Months...

I have been freaking out, running around thinking that I'm at 6 months. Lol. I got corrected today like 'Uhhh, its 7 months!' Lol. That's why I'm freaking out cause I cut a whole month off of planning. Our EPics are in 10 days, and you would think that FI was a girl parked in front of a mirror trying on outfits to wear. Lol. He's completely into these pictures, lol. We found a pretty spot to take them under one of the main bridges here with the DC National Harbor in the background. We're gonna do a few with the kids first. I'm slowly gonna freak out as time passes.
May 2013 January Siggy: Cake.!
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Re: 7 Months...

  • You working overtime to be missing a whole month aint you ?! lol

    Thats soo cute FI is geeked about the pics. We take ours this weekend and my FI is like can we like no ! He is being such a brat ! lol
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: 7 Months...</a>:
    [QUOTE]You working overtime to be missing a whole month aint you ?! lol Thats soo cute FI is geeked about the pics. We take ours this weekend and <strong>my FI is like can we like no </strong>! He is being such a brat ! lol
    Posted by MrsBad13[/QUOTE]

    My FI too! What 's wrong with them? lol
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  • I am wondering whether or not we are going to even do pics... Our story is soo different.. that to me that is like moving backwards...(if you guys remember our story)

    I am just not sure if we should or not..
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