African American Weddings

caterer vs bartender

These are are options for alcohol  which would be better?
A member of the catering staff serve the alcohol if the caterer has
insurance to cover alcohol service
-You hire a private bartender with insurance to serve alcohol
-You purchase special event insurance (through or ad on to
another insurance policy you have) if a friend or family member is going to
serve the alcohol.

Re: caterer vs bartender

  • I would go with the private bartender if your budget allows. Even though its always nice to have family and friends help, they might want to enjoy the party instead of working the bar. If you can trust the friend or family member to be dedicated to the bar and run it smoothly, then go ahead to save money. I'm all about saving money, but I would go with professionals to avoid any hiccups. My opinion.
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  • Agree with PP. You don't want to trust someone in your family or a friend with providing a service the day of your wedding. They're still your guest and bartending is an all night affair. I would just get the proffesional.
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  • I agree. I would go with the private bartender. For one they really know how to make good drinks. F/F sometimes know how to make and mix what they like and it may not work well for everyone's palatte. Now its different if you are just having beer and wine and no liquor. Then you can go with someone from the catering staff. But I wouldn't have F/F serving at all.
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