African American Weddings


remember bm #2? Well she told #1 last week that she put that fool out of her house because of whatever reason and she was done with him.........this was last thursday....

guess who is back in her house?

Of course i only heard this thru #1, cuz #2 wont call me. smh. but swears she is still in the wedding., ur not.

Re: raggedy

  • In Response to <a href="">raggedy</a>:
    [QUOTE]remember bm #2? Well she told #1 last week that she put that fool out of her house because of whatever reason and she was done with him.........this was last thursday.... guess who is back in her house? Of course i only heard this thru #1, cuz #2 wont call me. smh. but swears she is still in the wedding., ur not.
    Posted by soontobehasrouni[/QUOTE]
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  • #2 need to wake up and smell the cow s*** cause apparently coffee is not strong enough
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  • girl....niether is cow sh*t. I woulda been done with him after he called me a half breed B*tch and then told me howbad he wants to screw my sister,

    apparently, that kinda stuff is acceptable
  • SMH...can I tell her she not in the wedding? Oh wait, have M1ssJ do it! LOL
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: raggedy</a>:
    [QUOTE]SMH...can I tell her she not in the wedding? Oh wait, have  M1ssJ  do it! LOL
    Posted by keyaira04[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>LMBO! Right!!! She will definitely tell it to them like it is! LOL</div><div>
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  • In Response to Re:raggedy:[QUOTE]SMH...can I tell her she not in the wedding? Oh wait, havenbsp;M1ssJnbsp;do it! LOL Posted by keyaira04[/QUOTE]

    Lmao!!!!please let me know, if it needs to be done I will do it
    577906 10151197172303105 844768324 n Follow Me on Pinterest Anniversary
  • how u gunna tell her when she wont get the phone?!
  • People break up on fb all the time...I'm sure...this CNN b dons there too.. and then she would've wished she had answered her phone....imo
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