African American Weddings

Why we love 'em Wednesday

Who usually starts this off?

I love mine because he pulls my toes and scratches my back till I fall asleep. #dontjudgeme lol

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Re: Why we love 'em Wednesday

  • Tasha I have to say Why I love you...

    You and J's relationship love stories crack me up! He pulls your toes??? Ok! 

    I love Bae for so many reasons but the biggest reason is he FINALLY FINSIHED HIS GUEST LIST!
  • Tash. Pulls your toes.?? Lol.

    I love my bae cause last night I was going thru some bull. I was crying and very emotional. He was out at his moms house, I called him and he came right home, washed me up in the shower, massaged me, and held me until I finished crying. He made me laugh and forget about any drama. He's ALWAYS here when I need him. No matter how big or small.
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  • Tasha LMFAO!!!!!

    I love my huzzzzband because I litterally talk to him 10 times a day and he makes me feel like we haven't talked all day each and every time. He makes me feel like a teenagerKiss
  • I love him because he gets me. No one else understands my attitudes but he took the time to learn me.
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