Our venue's chapel is really cute. But the inside is not my fave at all. It has several small windows that don't get a lot of sunlight and overall it's pretty dark when you're standing inside. I don't like dark. And the back wall is an ugly burnt orange color that doesn't help things whatsoever. And you know what, I just saw pictures of it two years ago all white... why they decided to paint it burnt orange is beyond me but I really wish it was white again.
The picture is incredibly blurry and I'm sorry but you get the idea. It's also rather lighter in the pic than it is in person..

Which btw, I think that's my venue lady in the second pic. I met her Tuesday, she's really cool and she told me she just got married in February! Ha!
So as you see with the floors, the pews and the whole deal.. it all ends up looking rather dark. Our colors are these in the flower arrangement (not the black or white):

I really feel like our colors will darken the chapel even more and anyway I don't think it goes with burnt orange well lol. So my question is, would be it strange to have a different look/ color for the ceremony? I kind of want to do anything in there that will help lighten it up a bit. I don't know what that implies yet.. maybe lighter versions of our colors, maybe majority white, maybe another color... no clue. What do you girls think?