I'll try to make this short and simple. My dad passed away over 3 years ago and I only have 1 set of divorced grandparents. Both my grandparents are pretty ok financially but the economy has hurt their band accounts. Awhile ago my g-pa said he wanted to contribute $5K to the wedding (I think because my mom won't and can't help AT ALL and to help since my dad is no longer here.) So recently I mentioned to my mom we have all these payments due and she mentioned that to my g-pa who said he knows he promised $5K but that is really immpossible right now. He is trying to remodel and sell his house. His mortgage alone is $5K a month but in this market he can't sell:( So he gives my mom a $2,500 check today to give to me and I have no idea what to do. Especially since he mentioned to my mom it's borrowed money (whatever that means-I'm guessing his loan for remodeling).
So we really don't want to take it but I feel like us taking some who make him feel better. I know he feels guilty he can't help more, but it's not his job/responsibility. I'm not sure we could get away with not taking anything. I don't think he'd like that even more.
At this point we really need the money since I am not working after the move, FI isn't 100% finished with school so he hasn't started his job, and everyone only wants cash payments from us.
So what would you do?