African American Weddings

How Do You ?

Hello Sisters,
So my BFF is getting married March 16,2013. She's not really a party girl or drinker anymore, into church but loves to have a good time.Most of our other friends drink .What ideas would you have for throwing a bachelorette party ? I'm confused.....

Re: How Do You ?

  • My bachelorette party was a private pole dancing class followed by karaoke in a private room at a karaoke bar. It also had a bar so those who wanted to drink could. I thought it was a lot of fun. 
  • In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:f60ea328-4e35-4d24-909f-d9a5fee23f0cPost:238086ba-1990-4316-b0d8-308e42da42f8">Re: How Do You ?</a>:
    [QUOTE]My bachelorette party was a private pole dancing class followed by karaoke in a private room at a karaoke bar. It also had a bar so those who wanted to drink could. I thought it was a lot of fun. 
    Posted by GingerCake[/QUOTE]

    That does sound like a lot of fun!

    How about dinner and a comedy show?
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  • Spa party, with wine available, then a in home dance class
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  • My bachelorette party included a cooking class where you could bring your own wine, cook a full can't remember how many courses meal and then have dinner afterwards. It was all fun up until the owner told us we couldn't take the food! So be mindful of asking about that if doing something like this but I really enjoyed it cause I LOVE to cook. 

    I think the best part of my night was the karaoke bar and almost wished we had stayed there! So I definitely recommend karaoke.
  • I love all these ideas....
  • Painting with a Twist - paint your own painting and drink a little wine or your drink of choice (if any at all)! You get to bring your painting home with you!

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  • Dinner followed by a jazz or piano lounge... I also second the comedy show idea.
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