South Asian Weddings

Sending Thank you notes

I needed to know etiquette on this. We got a wedding present already. Yes, I have no clue why but one of his aunts ordered something off BBB registry and it was sent to his house.
The TY Cards were were going to send out for wedding presents were going to be us with a Thank You Parasol at the wedding. I would take the pic put it on a card on Vista print and there we go. Now I have this present and I don't know if I should send one out now or if it's ok to wait until after the wedding to send it out. What do you think?

Re: Sending Thank you notes

  • HinajHinaj member
    edited December 2011
    I personally would send it now, since you received it and it will make things less hectic if you don't have a bunch of TY to send but rather send your TY as you are gettnig your gift.  But I think either/or works.  I would double check with the ettiquette board, or just lurk there because I know this question comes up a lot for them. But if you do not have your TY card ready yet, send it when you have have your TY cards ready.
  • MrsBMMrsBM member
    edited December 2011

    Agree with HIna...the tiquette  says that you should send it now

    But I have NOT followed the etiquette on TY since my wedding was in Aug and I'm not even half way done...I'm terrible!

  • edited December 2011

    I would send it now too so his aunt isn't wondering whether you have received the present or not.

  • temurlangtemurlang member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    It is etiquette to send it now, but Priya's point is good too.  She'll want to know you got what she paid for.

    You can always send her your cool note as a TY for attending your wedding.
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