South Asian Weddings

OL Wednesday

Dear Knotties,
I will be bored today. I need entertainment! What's going on in your lives??
- D

Re: OL Wednesday

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    edited December 2011
    Dear Wednesday:

    Please improve. You started out with one of those mornings. You know, the kind that makes you want to to back to bed and start over?

    I didn’t get to sleep till about 1 am. Got caught up trying to figure out a difficult part of a new project and forgot to be tired. Would’ve been fine, but I woke up out of a dead sleep for no apparent reason at 5:30 this morning. Just awake. Then Kidlet started fussing at 5:45 and wouldn’t settle in his own bed, so I brought him into mine. Woke up a little later than usual, figured I could make up for it, until I found that Scamp had gotten into something overnight and it gave him the runs. In three different places, none of them on the potty pad I put down for him overnight. Argh. Took me ten minutes to get that cleaned up and spray enough Febreze to get rid of the smell. Then Kidlet refused to focus on breakfast - kept getting distracted by the kids outside waiting for the school bus. Finally got him to finish breakfast, got him dressed, and it occurred to me that I had forgotten to take his gait trainer out of my car last night and put the wheelchair in. So that had to get done. Kidlet was thisclose to being late to school this morning. About the only thing that (sorta) went my way was the fact that I didn’t spend as much as I was expecting to spend on gas this morning; I managed to fill my tank for $43, which is still a lot, but it didn’t drain my account.


    Scamp is still not feeling well; he’s been mopey and in my lap since I got home - normally he snuggles next to me and tucks his nose under my leg, but today he’s curled up in a donut on my lap. He only does that when he’s feeling icky. I hope it was just something he ate, and not something he’s sick with. I don’t have any money for a vet trip.


    So now I am plopped on the couch for a few minutes, trying to muster up the energy to get the chores done before I have to leave at 12:30 to get Kidlet from school, because Wednesdays are short days.


    So please, please, PLEASE try not to be a difficult day.



    Dear Next-door Neighbors,

    Please start taking better care of your dogs. Max got out yesterday and ran into the road with 5 cars coming. If I hadn't grabbed him the second time he tried to run into the street, he'd have gotten hit, because that dirver was speeding and wouldn't have been ab;e to stop in time. This isn't the first time I've had to bring one of your pups back to you when they got loose. Next time, I'm calling animal control. It may not be my "place" to tell you how to care for your pets, but I'm not going to sit by and watch the poor animals be neglected or get injured because you can't be bothered to look after them properly.

    Your Neighbor
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    edited December 2011
    Hope your day gets better Sarah!
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    edited December 2011
    Dear Park City, Utah,
    Thank you for getting rid of my stress. I look forward to spending the next few days w. you and good friends on the slopes.

    Dear Friends of mine,
    Thanks for helping me when I needed guidance these past few days. You're the best!

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    kpwedkkkpwedkk member
    Combo Breaker First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Dear Week,
    Thank you for all of the happiness morsels that you've definitely surprised me with... It has been a long time coming, and the wait has been unnerving!
    Taxes are done for 2010, and refund is now depositted, and the awesome news of going to India for a very good friend's wedding makes me smile hundreds of times per day if not by hour hehehe!  I've endured 60 odd days of separation, and awaiting the final paperwork so that I can tie up the loose ends, because I have the rope, and I can make really good knots :-)

    - KP

    "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart." ~ Miss K ~
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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:430Discussion:a32b726f-ef1b-4efa-9a1d-75e3ff3f9f93Post:d3efadfb-8a8c-42a4-89f5-24012fd81d02">Re: OL Wednesday</a>:
    [QUOTE]Dear Week, Thank you for all of the happiness morsels that you've definitely surprised me with... It has been a long time coming, and the wait has been unnerving! Taxes are done for 2010, and refund is now depositted, and the <strong>awesome news of going to India for a very good friend's wedding makes me smile hundreds of times per day if not by hour hehehe</strong>!  I've endured 60 odd days of separation, and awaiting the final paperwork so that I can tie up the loose ends, because I have the rope, and I can make really good knots :-) - KP
    Posted by kpwedkk[/QUOTE]

    Fun! When are you going??
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    SonaliPopSonaliPop member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Dear Time,

    I know you are usually on my side, but, I can't help but ask - could you move a little faster? See, I haven't seen my boyfriend in - what will be - five months and I'm really ready to see him. I love that I'm so busy with work so I can't complain, but...I'd really like to see him soon! I've already got my suitcases together and have been doing shopping so I am eagerly awaiting the day I see him. Thanks for hooking it up otherwise.

    I'll try to be patient,

    Dear People I Work With,

    Why can't you get your stuff together? I shouldn't have to e-mail you 10 times to get a response to things when matters are urgent. Why can't you just be more straightforward? By the way, I'm not so bad at waiting it out - I just don't get how you can not respond to e-mails for days. If you respond faster, I won't fill up your inbox. Deal?


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